Welcome to the UWC Membership Page!

UWC Membership

Membership dues are $35 and cover the UWC year from August through July.
Your $35 dues include a $5 donation to the UWC scholarship fund. Larger scholarship donations can be indicated on the dues payment form and are always welcome!

The UWC Membership Year is 1 August – 31 July.

We accept membership dues for the next year beginning 1 August. If you want to JOIN UWC AS A NEW MEMBER, during the summer (1 May-31 July)  please complete the form below. You may be a complimentary member (and attend Interest Group activities) during the siummer. Dues will be due after August 1.

Yes!! I would like to join UWC with complimentary membership until the Fall!

Please direct questions to Merry Bullock, Membership Chair
+1-303-717-3024 (texts are gratefully accepted!) or