MESSAGES December 2024 – January 2025


Upcoming UWC Events
Lecture Luncheon #3
Tuesday, January 14, 2025 – 10:30-1:00 IMC 235 – registration deadline is December 23
Dr. Mike Simpson, Professor of Space Policy and Law
The Next Space Age
Not ALL of us are old enough to have watched the Space Age dawn as Sputnik crossed the night sky, but all of us have benefitted from the insight and services that have followed. We have learned about microgravity, been to the moon, we have a space station, and we are able to monitor and study how space travel affects us with Scott and Mark Kelly. What do we have to look forward to in the future? Dr. Simpson will give us a glimpse of how a new space age is evolving that can bring even greater benefits – IF we care enough to do it right.
The final date to register for this lecture is December 23. Since we will be financially penalized by CU Catering for changing our number of reported attendees, this is a firm date. I encourage you to register now before the busy holidays are upon us.
As the year is winding down, support and enthusiasm for the activities of University Women’s Club are ramping up. Participation in UWC life is strong and engaging more and more of you. Our New Members Welcome Event was testament to that, as we greeted fifteen delightful and dynamic women to our club. This is one reason why I urge you to register early online for each of our events. And if you need a ride in order to join us, help is only a click away on the front page of our website, labeled “Do you need a ride?” Just complete the form that pops up and click “submit.” You will then receive a call to complete transportation arrangements.
It is during this time of year that we focus on gratitude, and I am so very grateful for our hard-working Executive Board composed of sixteen women who serve the needs, goals, and vision of the University Women’s Club! To that end, the Nominating Committee, Chaired by Kathy Randall, has submitted the new slate of nominees for officers-elect. The following candidates have been nominated for the 2025-26 program year: President-elect, Sharon Nehls; Secretary-elect, Betty Johnson; and Treasurer-elect, Frieda Holley. If elected, these candidates will serve in the 2026-27 program year. Please read the bios of these three accomplished women written by Kathy Randall below in this MESSAGES. The membership at large completes the nominating process by being invited to submit additional nominations as desired before a vote is taken at the February Lecture Luncheon.
Speaking of our Lecture Luncheons, be sure to put Tuesday, January 14, 2025, on your calendar and register for our third luncheon before December 23! You won’t want to miss Dr. Mike Simpson’s presentation titled “The Next Space Age”! He currently holds an appointment as Professor of Space Policy and International Law at the International Space University and has lectured frequently for the Geneva Center for Security Policy.
I am also grateful that the UWC Directory has gone out to the entire membership! Merry Bullock always endeavors to make sure we have ways of keeping in touch with one another. As a reminder about year-end tax deductions for contributions made to our Scholarship Fund, please read about the gratitude previous scholarship recipients have expressed on our website under the heading “Scholarships.”
With gratitude, I acknowledge the committed leadership being offered to our organization and to you the members, the body and soul of this organization. Without exception, you all are women who come forth with vigor and expertise and share these qualities and others for the health and success of University Women’s Club.
Wishing you each the full measure of the spirit of upcoming holidays and a Happy New Year, too!
Anne Hudson
2024-25 UWC President
614-256-7328 (c) 720-536-5654 (h)

Membership Update
At the turn of the year the UWC membership stabilizes – currently at 326. We are a marvellous group that fosters friendship, comaraderie, and that serves the Boulder community through our scholarships.
But!! Every year when new members join in the fall, we hear from them how they found out about UWC. Almost everyone tells us they found UWC through word of mouth – we are so strong yet not visible to the Boulder or CU communities. So let’s all take a New Year’s Resolution – to let one women know about this wonderful resource for exchange, activities, and service. Here is one example – I was at a play last week, and began to chat to the women sitting in front of me who had just moved here from the midwest. I asked her if she had heard of UWC (answer no, even though she was involved with Boulder Newcomers’ Club), but when I described it she said it might be just what she was looking for.
If you do want to spread the word, just tell people this simple way to find us: boulderuwc-d0t-org!!
Thank you for your membership, your dues, and your comradeship!
Merry Bullock, UWC Membership Chair
Lecture Luncheons
See list of all Luncheons and links to register here
Lecture Lunch #4
February 18, 2025 – 10:30-1:00 UMC 235
Jena Griswold – Colorado Secretary of State
Colorado’s Future
Lecture Lunch #5
March 11, 2025- 10:30-1:00 UMC 235
Dean Lolita Buckner Inniss- CU Law School
Law Schools, Law, and the Legal Historical Moment
How to Attend to UWC Events at University Memorial Center (UMC)
Drive and Park in Euclid Parking (Parking Garage Next to the UMC)
Options for Payment
- Pay at the Pay-station (Enter your license plate number and pay by cash or credit card.) The price is $2.00/hour for up to 3 hours. You do not need to place the receipt on the car dashboard.
- Download the ParkMobile app on your mobile phone. Enter the Zone Number found on the Pay-station, and select the desired number of hours to park. The duration can be adjusted as needed on your phone. (Link to ParkMobile – App for your phone)
Great news! The lower levels in the garage are no longer reserved for permit holders. The whole garage is available for visitor parking.
Pictures from the Second Lecture Luncheon
UWC Elections for 2025-26
The UWC Nominating Committee has presented the following slate of officers-elect for 2025-26. The election will take place at the Lecture Luncheon on February 18, 2025. If members wish to offer nominations from the floor (with the consent of the candidate), please notify Kathy Randall, Chair of the Nominating Committee.
Candidates are as follows:

Sharon Nehls
President-elect 2025-26 (to serve as President 2026-27)
Sharon Nehls is currently Secretary-elect of the University Women’s Club and will serve as Secretary in 2025-26.
She is a retired language arts teacher from Boulder Valley Schools and the author of What’s New in Young Adult Novels? and Ideas for Classroom Use. She blogs about the use of young adult books in the classroom at “What’s New in Young Adult Novels.” Sharon joined the board of the Dairy Arts Center in 2008 and was instrumental in building the Boedecker Art House Cinema (The Boe) at the Dairy. She continues to chair the ad hoc programming committee for The Boe. This committee not only previews films and gives programming recommendations for the cinema, but also helps to organize the TalkBack Program and schedule hosts to lead discussions following the films. As a grandmother to five young grandchildren living in Boulder, there never seems to be a dull moment.

Betty Johnson
Secretary-elect 2025-26 (to serve as Secretary 2026-27)
Betty Johnson has been a member of UWC for 12 years since moving here in May of 2012. She has participated in several groups including the Sunday Movie group, On the Road Again, Mahjong, and the Happy Hour Tea Time Conversations.
She began her career teaching high school English, then as a Teaching Parent at Boys Town, Nebraska, taking this program to Vermont for training and evaluating residential programs, training foster parents and providing treatment foster care and adoption services statewide. As a Senior Consultant for the Child Welfare Association, she provided analysis and services to public and private institutions throughout the United States. She served in the Peace Corps in the Eastern Caribbean for two years returning first to Charleston, South Carolina and then to work for the Muskie Center as a consultant to the State of Vermont, retiring in 2012.

Frieda Holley
Treasurer-elect 2025-26 (to serve as Treasurer in 2026-27)
Frieda Holley has been active in leadership roles for UWC and is currently the club’s Treasurer. In addition, she has been Co-chair of the Hiking Group since 2012, served as Chair of the Scholarship Committee, and as President in 2017-18. She chaired the UWC Centennial History Book Committee that created the publication chronicling the Club’s first 100 years.
During her professional life, Frieda worked for over 30 years at Metropolitan State University of Denver as a Professor of Mathematics and an administrator in various positions including Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs. Frieda was also active in the League of Women Voters of Boulder County, serving as their treasurer for six years.
Happy Hour / Tea Time Conversations
Looking Ahead
Opera Brunch
March 16, 2025—11:30 a.m. brunch, 2:00 p.m. Pirates of Penzance operetta performed in Macky Auditorium
Ahoy Mateys and Pirates! I hope you will plan to attend the operetta, Pirates of Penzance, preceded by a special gourmet brunch and a lecture given on the making of the operetta by Maestro Carthy, who will be conducting the performance. The brunch will take place in the Aspen Room in the UMC. Afterwards, we will reconvene in Macky Auditorium to be treated to the witty and comedic Gilbert and Sullivan operetta written in 1879 when Victoria was Queen of the British Empire.
The operetta is in two acts, set on a rocky seashore on the coast of Cornwall and in a nearby chapel. Join the lovestruck Frederic and his rambunctious crew of bumbling buccaneers as they navigate the choppy waters of romance and loyalty. You will enjoy familiar tunes, laugh at the pirate shenanigans and witness exceptional talent as the CU College of Music brings the Pirates of Penzance to life with an abundance of pirate swagger. Gilbert and Sullivan spoofed all sorts of conventions in crafting Pirates. The well-known “Major General’s Song” with its rapid-fire delivery of preposterous rhymes is but one example of a brisk and comic aria known as patter song. The Pirates of Penzance is a collaborative presentation by the CU Boulder College of Music’s Musical Theatre and the Eklund Opera Program.
For more information, please contact Sandy Johnson at the UWC email, or call 732-322-8695.
Registration for this popular event is open
Sandy Johnson, Opera Brunch Chair
UWC Annual Scholarship Luncheon
The University Women’s Club Annual Scholarship Luncheon will be held on
Tuesday, April 15, 2025, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Boulder Country Club.
Join University Women’s Club friends as we honor the 2025 scholarship recipients with the theme, “On the Path to Your Future”
Honors Reception
The UWC Honors Reception will be held on Tuesday, May 13, 2025. Join friends, celebrate UWC, honor the Margaret Willard Award recipient and enjoy entertainment!
Message from the Scholarship Chair
Non-traditional Students Create An Alternate Path to Success!
Many people complete their education in a linear fashion and then enter the workforce to pursue their careers. Others through choice or circumstance have “interruptions” including being a caregiver of an ill family member, working to financially support their own children’s higher education, raising a family or temporarily stepping away from formal education entirely. The UWC scholarships seek to assist these individuals to complete their formal university education.
There can be key benefits of charting a path with a few detours. These individuals can better understand their values, strengths and weaknesses. They are exposed to a variety of perspectives and experience a diversity of poignant life experiences outside the classroom that clarify their academic goals. Taking a path less traveled without a map can be enlightening, building resilience and adaptability. Hands-on experience through volunteer work or self-directed projects can be a significant boost to skill development that complements academic learning in the classroom.
Our scholarships seek to support such individuals who have experienced a variety of non-linear education paths.
Please give generously to support our scholarship fund.
Jean Manifesto
Chair, Scholarship Committee
Donations to the Scholarship Fund
Donations for October 2024 (note: MESSAGES reports donations from the month prior to our publications deadline).
Judith Auer
Rebecca Batizy
Joyce Bograd
Anne Hudson
Kathleen Israelson
Patty Ludke
Martha McHutchison
Mary Lee Morgan
Norma Portnoy
Phyllis Schwartz
JoLynn Scott
Yael Sears
Janet Thompson
Tamera Van Spriell
Cynthia Warshaw
Sherry Woodruff
Support Scholarships Through Your Grocery Shopping!
If you shop at King Soopers, Safeway, or Albertson’s, you can easily participate in their community award programs, and 5% of your purchases will be donated to UWC to support our scholarships AT NO COST TO YOU! You can really make a difference.
With the King Soopers Community Rewards program, you can go online one time and link your King Soopers Loyalty Card to the UWC Account. UWC will automatically get 5% without your having to do anything else. Directions for signing up can be found here:
If you shop at Safeway and/or Albertsons, you can use a Safeway Community Giving Card when making your purchases and UWC will earn 5% every time you reload your card. To request a Safeway Card be mailed to you or to seek assistance to register for these program, contact Board Member, Norma Portnoy at normaportnoy1112 at
Please click here for instructions regarding both programs.
Thank you for participating in these programs to support our scholarships!
Fun Facts About Water
Water sustains our lives, threatens our lives (floods, hurricanes), is a sign of life (planetary exploration) and symbolizes life (fertility and refreshment). Following are a few fun facts about water published by the American Water Works Association.
- There is the exact amount of water on Earth today as when the Earth was formed 3 billion years ago. Water is never totally consumed. It always recycles itself in one form or another.
- Only 3% of the water on Earth is freshwater. Only 1% is available for drinking water, and 2% is frozen.
- Humans are approximately 60% water overall and 75% of the Human brain is water.
- You could survive about a month without food, but only 5-7 days without water.
- Old Faithful, a geyser in Yellowstone National Park, can spout water 170 feet in the air. That is as high as a 17-story building.
Food For Thought
Did you know that the University Women’s Club has published three cookbooks?
International Recipes, the title of the first cookbook, was published by the Faculty Women’s Club in 1964. Five hundred copies were printed and sold. As a result of those sales, $200 was donated to the Women’s Center. The book had recipes from eight countries including France, India, and Greece. A revised version was printed in 1965 and sold for $2.00 per copy.
The Colorado Cook Book. The idea of creating a cookbook that would generate funds for CU libraries was conceived in 1979. Recipes were requested and over 2000 were received. During the spring of 1980, various club members hosted “Tasting and Testing” luncheons and dinners. Guests were assigned recipes to prepare and bring to be taste-tested by all. As a result, The Colorado Cook Book was published in 1981 and sold for $13.95. The cookbook was marketed in gourmet stores, gift shops and alumni organizations. As a result, 50,000 copies of the first edition were sold in three printings.
With the unexpected popularity the authors produced a second edition, with a slightly revised title of The Colorado Cookbook: A Benefit for the University of Colorado Libraries, Boulder, 2nd Edition. This hardcover edition includes photographs of sites in Colorado and was published in December 1992. It cost $17.95 and 20,000 copies were sold.
A few copies of each book are still available for sale on Amazon and through independent book sellers.
Additional details and three recipes from the cookbooks can be found in the University Women’s Club’s Celebrating 100 Years 1919-2019.
Margaret Willard Award
Do you know an outstanding woman in the Boulder community?
The University Women’s Club is soliciting nominations for the Margaret Willard award for 2025. The award, named after the first president of the women’s club, is presented annually to a woman who has enhanced the quality of life for women in Boulder and/or on the CU Boulder Campus, is an exceptional role model, and has brought honor to all women through her accomplishments.
Nominees may be connected to CU Boulder in some way or be members of the Boulder Community. There are hundreds of women who fit these criteria. Look around and find that special woman and then nominate her so we can celebrate her while honoring Margaret Willard.
To make a nomination please see the nomination information online.
Questions? Contact Andie Kutinsky, Chair, Margaret Willard Award (719-492-7967)
Member Acknowledgement
Membership Courtesy
If you know of a member who would appreciate a card, note, or any personal contact due to illness, death, or other reasons for support, please inform UWC at with “Acknowledgements Chair” in the subject line.
Members In Memoriam
As information to members, and to remember those who have passed away, UWC includes an “In Memoriam” section on the website. This section honors those UWC members that we know about who have died since 2020.
If you are aware of UWC members who have left us, please let Joyce Spencer, webmaster, (jjandbobs at msn dot com) and Tam Van Spriell (tamvanspriell at gmail dot com) know the member’s name for prompt inclusion on our website and in future MESSAGES.
Interest Group News
Photos from Interest Group Activities
Garden Group
The Garden Group at (Marcie) Munson’s Farm Stand pumpkin patch in October.

Out to Lunch
At First Watch in Longmont

Theater Goers and On The Road Again
The combined On The Road Again and Theater Goers groups enjoyed the VIVA performance of The Man Who Came To Dinner at The Dairy on Sunday afternoon, November 3rd.
After the show, the group met in the lobby to discuss the play and visit with actor Susan D’Autremont, who played Lorraine Sheldon. In the photo to the right: Lower left, seated: Norma Portnoy, Jane Cummings, Bruce Jakosky (Merry’s husband), Merry Bullock, Sherry Woodruff (UWC/cast member), Karen Haimes, Julie Smith, Kathy Randall, Karen Bell, Kathleen Salzberg, oseanne Kolodenko. Standing: Kathleen Newton, Patty Ludke, Jean Rohrschneider, Susan d’Autremont (cast member). Bottom right photo – additional Cindy Myers, standing right.

French Club Celebrates Birthdays!
The French Conversation Group 1 celebrates in November with “Bon Anniversaire”Top Photo:L-R: Linda Toomre, Lori Bailey, Helen Goldman, Judy Reid, Berry Todd, Dot Thompson, Janice Belkora, Elaine ThiessBottom Photo:L-R: Edwige Wagner, Linda Toomre, Judy Reid, Dot Thompson, Elaine Thiess, Janice Belkora, Lori Bailey, Berry Todd, Helen Goldman, Ellen Gille

Mystery Book Club Reads Louise Penny

Upcoming Interest Group Activities
The Theater Goers group will see five Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company (BETC) plays together in 2024-25. Please join us for these Sunday 2:00 p.m. matinees followed by conversation and reflection at the Dairy (and in February at The Nomad Playhouse). You and a friend/partner may purchase individual tickets from the BETC website, or you may schedule your season subscription for the following dates
December 15, 2024: Little Women
February 23, 2025: Hope and Gravity (at the Nomad Playhouse in north Boulder)
April 20, 2025: The White Chip
Please contact interim chair Cindy Meyer for details, a 5% UWC Theater Goers discount code for individual performances, and to be added to the e-mail list. Also, please contact Cindy if you would be willing to help organize additional plays for next fall, at 713-256-9185 or cfmeyer at sbcglobal dot net.
Interest Groups Information
Bicycling – The weekly Thursdays meetings will resume in May 2025. New Chairs needed. Please contact Interest Groups Chair Lois Linsky if interested (303-499-2689).
Bicycling – Easy Riders –Chair Rebecca Batizy 303-601-9956 or Rebeccabatizy at gmail dot com. Contact chair for current information about meeting dates and times. New members welcome.
Book Group – Afternoon – Fourth Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. mostly at members’ homes or on ZOOM. Vaccinations required. Chairs: Mary Anna Dunn 720-355-8174; Lois Linsky 303-499-2689.
Book Group – Biographies – Third Friday at 3:00 p.m., in person. Chair: Mary Pierce 303-360-0157.
Book Group – The Original Book Group – Formerly Evening – Second Thursday at 2:30 p.m. Meetings held in members’ homes. Chairs: Judy Thompson 608-469-6883; Judy Reid 303-746-2983. This group has been meeting continuously since the 1950’s.
Bridge Group – First Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. Chair: Karen Neff 303-494-0467.
French Conversation – All Speaking Levels – Dates and times to be determined. Chair: Zdenka Smith 303-330-2856.
Games Group – It’s Anyone’s Game – Board and card games. Third Tuesday from 1:30 – 4:00 p.m. at home of Chair in Louisville. Contact chair to join. Chair: Kathleen Newton 720-548-8661.
Garden Group – Third Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. Chairs: Jyotsna Raj 303-447-8831; Jean Rohrschneider 720-542-9788.
Golfing – For the Casual Golfer – 1:00 p.m. every Thursday at various golf courses, new members welcome. Chair: Susan Planck 303-499-3916.
Hiking and Strolling – Every Friday 9:00 a.m. Meet at southern end of the east side of covered parking lot opposite the lower-level east entrance to the former Macy’s. Chairs: Joan (Joanie) Cardone 303-263-7823; Frieda Holley 303-499-3733. Please note: Dogs are not allowed on UWC hikes.
Italian Conversation – Wednesday, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. on Zoom. Chair: Maxene Wilson 303-530-4619.
Music – Second Monday afternoon of most months in members’ homes, providing a venue for musical performers to meet and share their love of music in an intimate setting. Chairs: Berry Todd 303-442-9083; Tula Roberge 303-443-2509.
On the Road Again — Occasional in-person road trips. Chair: Kathy Randall 303-746-4528.
Out to Lunch – Usually Fourth Wednesday, at noon at various local restaurants. Chairs: Jean Rohrschneider 720-542-9788; Jyotsna Raj 303-447-8831.
Readers’ Theater 2 – Third Monday 4:00 p.m. at the Boulder Library. Chairs: Patty Ludke 303-817-1020; Kathy Randall 303-746-4528.
Spanish Conversation Advanced – Contact chair for details. Chair: Diana King 303-803-4583.
Sunday Afternoon at the Movies – Usually second Sunday, to see movies at a theater in Boulder or nearby theater. Chairs: Sharon Nehls 303-494-5778; Carmen Caver 803-606-5619.
Theater Goers – Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company matinees. Acting Chair, Cindy Meyer 713-256-9185.
Groups that are at capacity
- Book Group – The Bookies – Kathy Randall 303-746-4528.
- Book Group Small – Fiction and Non-Fiction, Joyce Bograd.
- Book Group – Second Monday, Janet Evans.
- Book Group – Mysteries, Betty Barnes.
- Bridge Group Intermediate level – First Wednesday Chair: Karen Neff
To start a new interest group requires at least five members including a chairperson.
If you are interested in starting a new group please contact the Interest Group Coordinator for more information: Lois Linsky Interest Group Coordinator, 303-499-2689.
To form a new book group, contact Kathy Randall, 303-746-4528.
Suggested New Groups
Any interest? Remember to start a new group there must be a leader and five participants.
- Tatting
- Antiques
Send your photos for MESSAGES!
Send your interest group photos and/or photos you have taken of Boulder and surrounds for inclusion in MESSAGES – send to MESSAGES editor Tamera Van Spriell at
President – Anne Hudson
Past President and President Elect – Andie Kutinsky
Secretary and Secretary Elect – Sharon Nehls
Treasurer and Treasurer Elect – Frieda Holley
Board Members
Acknowledgements: Donations made “in honor of” – Joyce Spencer
Advisory/Parliamentarian – Frieda Holley
Honors Reception – TBD
Interest Groups Chair – Lois Linsky
Margaret Willard Award Chair – Andie Kutinsky
Membership Chair – Merry Bullock
Membership Coffee – Lynne Barnett
Editor – Tam Van Spriell
Copy Editor – Kathleen Salzberg
Technical Editor – Merry Bullock
New Members – Shirley Harkess
Nominating Committee – Kathy Randall
Opera Brunch – Sandy Johnson
Chair – Norma Portnoy
UMC Liaison – Tam Van Spriell
Registration – Lynne Barnett
Scholarship Committee Chair – Jean Manifesto
Scholarship Luncheon – Jonette Lucia
Website – Joyce Spencer
Zoom Masters – Merry Bullock, Lynne Barnett
Non-Board Positions
Document Repository – Frieda Holley
Email Communications – Diana King, Coordinator
Archives/Historian – Karen Neff
Photographer Coordinator – Berry Todd
UWC Calendar 2024-2025
- No scheduled events – Happy Holidays!
January, 2025
- Tuesday, 14 January 2025 – Lecture Luncheon #3
- Tuesday, 18 February 2025 – Lecture Luncheon #4
- Tuesday, 11 March 2025 – Lecture Luncheon #5
- Sunday, 16 March 2025 – Opera Brunch
- Tuesday, 15 April 2025 – Scholarship Luncheon
- Tuesday, 13 May 2025 – Honors Reception