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Anne Hudson - President 2024-2025

Message from the President
Hello, UWC members! Anne Hudson here, as your new President for 2024-25. I joined University Women’s Club three years ago, inspired by its mission to fund scholarships and its vision of promoting fellowship among CU area women. I have served in various capacities on councils, boards and committees and am now especially committed and looking forward to participating with you in UWC’s shared purposes.
Promoting connections and contacts at the start of our new year with our September 10 Membership Coffee at Viele Lake Park in Boulder will be an exciting opportunity to renew and expand membership and join one of our fun Interest Groups….. bring a friend!
Beginning in October, invite a guest to each of our fabulous Lecture Luncheons! We will start with Jessica Robblee, Artistic Director of the Boulder Entertainment and Theater Company on October 9 at 10 o’clock. Get your reservation in early for our November speaker, Stephen Swenerton, on the important topic of China! January’s topic will have us fascinated with a lecture on Space from Michael Simpson, a member of the National Space Society Board of Governors and former President of the International Space University (ISU), while February’s will bring us right back here to Colorado with Jena Griswald, Colorado’s Secretary of State. Dr. Lolita Innis, Dean of CU Law School, will be our speaker in March.
There is so much to look forward to in these expert and exciting lectures! Spring events of the Opera Brunch, Scholarship Luncheon and Honors Reception will bring us together for entertainment, fun, and fulfillment. I am immensely grateful for our dedicated Board members working hard this summer to make access to UWC events easier!
The UWC’s newsletter, MESSAGES, is the place to look for more detailed information about our schedule for each month, our calendar, new and returning Board members, and for activities of a wide variety (over 20!!) of interest groups you can enjoy.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns at my home phone: 720-536-5654 (there’s a message machine), my mobile phone 614-256-7328, or my email address, annewshka@gmail.com.
2024-2025 UWC President