MESSAGES November 2024


Upcoming UWC Events
Lecture Luncheon #2
Tuesday, November 12, 2024 – 10:30-1:00 IMC 235 – registration deadline is October 27
Stephen Swenerton – President at Swenerton Consulting
Can China Survive Its Challenges?
Come hear discussion China’s recent past, and whether it can be successful with the current leadership concentrated in the hands of one man? Stephen Swenerton will present China’s most pressing challenges and what the near-term future looks like.
It was wonderful to welcome so many of you at our first Lecture Luncheon! Your fabulous Board Members are ushering in a great and active UWC programming schedule. The speaker for November 12 is Stephen Swenerton asking the question; “Can China Survive Its Challenges?” You’ll want to register online for this before October 27! Just go to:, click on Lecture Luncheon Registration, and sign up!
Interest Group participation seems at an all-time high and is still expanding! Would anyone besides me like to form a “Computer Tech” group? Send me an email response to annewshka at gmail dot com. We’d need five in the group with one person agreeing to be the chair.
The “Happy Hour/Tea Time” group is meeting at 4 p.m. each Monday on Zoom. It is a wonderful way to get to (better) know fellow UWC members in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Andie Kutinsky is doing a fabulous job of making the topics of discussion fun and memorable. See next this month’s and next month’s topics below in this issue of MESSAGES.
Fundraising for our scholarships is always ongoing and easily accomplished. I like to add what I can each time I register for a Lecture Luncheon, but there are other convenient ways to donate as well – including during our Spring Scholarship Luncheon and fashion show.
I know that parking at the Euclid Parking Garage can be complicated, so remember to allow extra time and inquire of your friends if anyone might need a ride. Our website has a whole section on various ways to get to our functions, including Public Transportation. Click here to find information! Also note our new experiment to try to match UWC members for rides to the Lecture Luncheons.
As always, please contact me with ideas, thoughts, inquiries, and suggestions at the phone numbers and/or email address below.
Anne Hudson
2024-25 UWC President
614-256-7328 (c) 720-536-5654 (h)
Membership Update
Hi all UWC members!
We are 320 members strong. If you have friends, neighbors, or know of women new to Boulder, please let them know about UWC! As you know it is a marvelous source of potential friends, and offers great companionship in the many interest groups and their events.
Membership Directory. The UWC Membership Directory is now published, and you should have received it in your inbox. Please let me know if you did not! This list can help you find fellow UWC members, contact interest groups chairs, and even look for UWC friends in your neighborhood.
Addressing your needs. I have been hearing from some about some needs and requests that UWC is going to try to address. One is to be proactively welcoming to new members or returning members who would like a little boost to feel comfortable coming to our gatherings when they don’t know a lot (or any!) people. This is easy to address. UWC is so welcoming and friendly, but sometimes we need to be reminded that we are not all old friends – so if you are hesitant to attend an event, please let us know (at so we can (a) be sure someone greets you as an event “buddy” and (b) remember to specially introduce you to other UWC members.
Let us know if you would like a ride! A second issue is that many of us have temporary or ongoing mobility challenges. If you would like assistance to attend events, please let us know!! If you would like a ride to or from an event, we can try to find other UWC’ers who live nearby and can share their transportation. We’ve made an online form to request or to offer a ride. Andie Kutinsky has graciously offered to coordinate requests and offers when you complete the form. Please help us with this experiment! If you drive, let us know. If you would like a ride, let us know. Here is the link:
Thank you for your membership, your dues, and your comradeship!
Merry Bullock, UWC Membership Chair
Lecture Luncheons
See list of all Luncheons and links to register here
Lecture Lunch #3
January 14, 2025 – 10:30-1:00 UMC 235
Dr. Mike Simpson – Professor of Space Policy and Law
The Next Space Age
Lecture Lunch #4
February 18, 2025 – 10:30-1:00 UMC 235
Jena Griswold – Colorado Secretary of State
Colorado’s Future
Lecture Lunch #5
March 11, 2025- 10:30-1:00 UMC 235
Dean Lolita Buckner Inniss- CU Law School
Law Schools, Law, and the Legal Historical Moment
How to Attend to UWC Events at University Memorial Center (UMC)
Drive and Park in Euclid Parking (Parking Garage Next to the UMC)
Options for Payment
- Pay at the Pay-station (Enter your license plate number and pay by cash or credit card.) The price is $2.00/hour for up to 3 hours. You do not need to place the receipt on the car dashboard.
- Download the ParkMobile app on your mobile phone. Enter the Zone Number found on the Pay-station, and select the desired number of hours to park. The duration can be adjusted as needed on your phone. (Link to ParkMobile – App for your phone)
Great news! The lower levels in the garage are no longer reserved for permit holders. The whole garage is available for visitor parking.
Pictures from the First Lecture Luncheon
Looking for an opportunity to serve on the UWC Executive Board?
Honors Reception Chair
If you enjoy planning a party, you might be the perfect candidate for this position. When we are able to meet in person, the Honors Reception is an opportunity to gather at the end of the academic year to enjoy finger foods, conversation with your friends, and to recognize past and present members of the UWC who have demonstrated outstanding service to our organization. Any candidate for this position should have good people and project management skills and enjoy planning a large event.
Contact UWC President Anne Hudson at 720-536-5654 if you are interested in serving in this capacity.
Happy Hour / Tea Time Conversations
Save the dates – UWC Events you will not want to miss!
UWC Annual Scholarship Luncheon
The University Women’s Club Annual Scholarship Luncheon will be held on Tuesday, April 15, 2025, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Boulder Country Club. Join University Women’s Club friends as we honor the 2025 scholarship recipients with the theme, “On the Path to Your Future.” Registration will open early in the new year.
Opera Brunch
The Opera Brunch and CU Opera will be held on Sunday, March 16, 2025 at the UMC (brunch) and Macky Auditorium (opera). Hear a lecture, eat well, and see the opera! Registration will open early in the new year.
Honors Reception
The UWC Honors Reception will be held on Tuesday, May 13, 2025. Join friends, celebrate UWC, honor the Margaret Willard Award recipient and enjoy entertainment!
Message from the Scholarship Chair
As college tuition continues to rise, the need for financial assistance has never been more critical. With the Federal Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) still fraught with delays, many students are left fearful and uncertain about their ability to stay in school. Students whose education has been interrupted often face unique challenges that necessitate special consideration. Life circumstances such as financial hardships, health issues, family responsibilities, or personal crises can significantly impact their ability to pursue education consistently. When they attempt to return to school, they may encounter barriers that traditional students do not face, including gaps in knowledge, a lack of familiarity with current academic environments, and increased anxiety about re-entering the educational system.
In 1982, the University Women’s Club of Boulder established a scholarship fund to help such students. The scholarship benefits University of Colorado undergraduates who are Colorado residents returning to school after a gap in their education and/or graduated from high school more than six years ago. Multiple factors are considered when evaluating scholarship applicants. These include academic merit, financial need, service, and leadership in the university or community.
Awarding scholarships for higher education creates a ripple effect of positive outcomes, enriching not only the lives of individuals but also their families, communities, and society at large. Investing in education is an investment in a brighter, more prosperous future for everyone.
Please donate generously to our UWC Scholarship Fund.
Jean Manifesto
Chair, Scholarship Committee
Donations to the Scholarship Fund
Donations for September 2024 (note MESSAGES reports donations from the month prior to our publications deadline)
Susan Anderson
Judith Auer
Mary Baumgardner
Elizabeth Black
Merry Bullock
Joan Cardone
Carmen Caver
Marsha Coons
Mary Anna Dunn
Catherine Ertz
Janet Evans
Jeanne Fetterman
Linda Fulton
Susanne Gerson
Arlene S. Gerwin
Pamela Greene
Sydney Hoerler
Michelle Hofmeister
Ellen Holland
Helen Hooper
Nancy Hudson-Helmuth
Barbara Huff
Sandy Johnson
Karen Kairys
Susan Katz
Roberta Kimmel
Carol Koch
Lois Linsky
Carol Linsley
Patty Ludke
Heidi Lynch
Jean Manifesto
Jane Massie
Barbara R. Miller
Judy Minger
Patricia Phillipson
Judy Reid
Sandra Reynolds
Jean Roche
Amy Falk Russell
June Saunders
Boyce Sher
Zdenka Smith
Liane Starn
Pat Thompson
Sarah Thompson
Helen Williams
Maxene Wilson
Nurit Wolf
Stephanie Wrotny
Support Scholarships Through Your Grocery Shopping!
If you shop at King Soopers, Safeway, or Albertson’s, you can easily participate in their community award programs, and 5% of your purchases will be donated to UWC to support our scholarships AT NO COST TO YOU! You can really make a difference.
With the King Soopers Community Rewards program, you can go online one time and link your King Soopers Loyalty Card to the UWC Account. UWC will automatically get 5% without your having to do anything else. Directions for signing up can be found here
If you shop at Safeway and/or Albertsons, you can use a Safeway Community Giving Card when making your purchases and UWC will earn 5% every time you reload your card. To request a Safeway Card be mailed to you or to seek assistance to register for these program, contact Board Member, Norma Portnoy at normaportnoy1112 at
Please click here for instructions regarding both programs.
Thank you for participating in these programs to support our scholarships!
Elected UWC Board Positions
The UWC Nominating Committee is tasked with recommending nominees for President Elect, Secretary Elect, and Treasurer Elect to serve on the UWC Board next year (2025-26). The elected persons attend board meetings for one year as “elect,” to become familiar with the tasks of the executive positions and to be available as back-up. They then serve the following year (2026-7) as President, Secretary, or Treasurer…
Here is a brief description of each position:
- President: Serves as the UWC figurehead and provides overall executive leadership. Chairs the Executive Board and provides supportive leadership to Board decisions and Board members.
- Secretary: Attends and takes minutes at all Executive Board Meetings and General Membership Meetings.
- Treasurer: Is responsible for the oversight, management, and reporting of UWC finances including bank account maintenance, financial transaction oversight, budget development, monthly financial reporting, and all tax filings. The treasurer does not need to be a CPA for this role. However, good bookkeeping skills, and skill with Excel and QuickBooks are ideal.
If you would like to be considered for one of the “elect” positions or would like to recommend someone, please contact any member of the Nominating Committee which consists of Kathy Randall, Chair and General Membership Representative; and Frieda Holley and Andie Kutinsky as Board Representatives. If you would like more information, please contact Kathy Randall at katherineran at
Margaret Willard Award
Margaret Willard was the first president of the Faculty Wives’ Club, which became our University Women’s Club. Each year we present the Margaret Willard Award to someone who exercises initiative in her endeavors and in doing so brings honor to all women and/or to our University of Colorado Boulder Campus.
Please submit a nomination by March 1, 2025. Nominations consist of the nominee’s name and a brief description of why they are deserving of the award. The form can be accessed here.
Questions? Contact Andie Kutinsky, Chair, Margaret Willard Award (719-492-7967)
Fun Facts About Our Eleventh Month
Why Do We Vote in November?
Voting on a Tuesday in November isn’t as arbitrary as it seems. The month marks the end of harvest, and it offers mild weather for traveling voters. In 1845, Congress passed a law mandating that the presidential Election Day would be held every four years on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in the month (Election Day: Frequently Asked Questions. Congressional Research Service).
Why do we celebrate Veterans Day on November 11?
Originally known as Armistice Day, Veterans Day is celebrated on November 11 because it was on this day at 11:00 a.m. in 1918 that World War I ended.
Why is Thanksgiving celebrated on the last Thursday in November?
In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln declared the last Thursday in the month of November to be the national holiday known as Thanksgiving. It is fashioned after the three-day feast of the harvest shared by the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag Indigenous people in 1621.
Why is it called November?
November got its name from the Roman word “novem,” which means nine. Originally there were only ten months in the year until the months of January and February were added in 45 B.C., making November the eleventh month, rather than the ninth month.
Colorado Women’s Suffrage: Historical Fact
It bears repeating that on October 2, 1877, Colorado women’s suffrage lost the first popular vote. It would take another 16 years for equal suffrage to be voted through on November 7, 1893. This was 27 years before the matter was resolved nationally by the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which was ratified in 1920.
Although this represented a great win for most women in Colorado, many Native American women were not given the right to vote until 1970, and for members of the Ute tribe, well into the 1990s.
What’s Happening at CU?
Holiday Festival
It’s Not Too Early to Buy Tickets for CU Boulder’s popular Holiday Festival to be held December 6-8, 2024. Be immersed in the comfort and joy of twinkling lights, seasonal greenery and beautiful music at CU Boulder’s Holiday Festival, an enchanting annual tradition.
Faculty Tuesdays – free concerts hosted by the College of Music.
For Information visit
Compiled by Tamera Van Spriell
Member Acknowledgement
Membership Courtesy
If you know of a member who would appreciate a card, note, or any personal contact due to illness, death, or other reasons for support, please inform UWC at with “Acknowledgements Chair” in the subject line.
Members In Memoriam
- It is with sadness that we report the death of a long-time member – Marion Eleanor Sauer, July 29, 2024, Marion was a member of the UWC for over 25 years. Details honoring her passage are here.
As information to members, and to remember those who have passed away, UWC includes an “In Memoriam” section on the website. This section honors those UWC members that we know about who have died since 2020.
If you are aware of UWC members who have left us, please let Joyce Spencer, webmaster, (jjandbobs at msn dot com) and Tam Van Spriell (tamvanspriell at gmail dot com) know the member’s name for prompt inclusion on our website and in future MESSAGES.
Interest Group News
Photos from Interest Group Activities

On the Road Again
For the first outing of the UWC 2024-25 year, On the Road Again enjoyed an interesting and informative tour of the Boulder County Recycling Center led by a very knowledgeable tour leader, Chandra Valenza. Those of us who participated will all be better recyclers. Some of us extended the activity with an optional bring-your-own-picnic lunch at Legion Park. This added a nice social hour to the outing.
For members who wish they had been able to attend, the Recycling Center offers self-guided tours on Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Without a guide you are not able to enter the walkway above the area where the sorting takes place using highly sophisticated machines as well as human labor, but there are windows onto the sorting floor and many interactive and stationary educational displays.
The next On the Road Again outing is to attend the fall VIVA production, “The Man Who Came to Dinner” on Sunday, November 3 at 2:00 p.m. at the Dairy Center. If you’d like to join us, just buy your own ticket and let Kathy Randall (katherineran at gmail dot com) know you’re coming.
Hiking Groups
The “slower hikers” on Mesa Trail, October 20 – Lois Linsky, Lois Anderson, Ellen Holland, Judy Reid, Heidi Lynch and Rory Laiho
Sunday Afternoon at the Movies
On Sunday October 13, the UWC attended “Saturday Night “ followed by a discussion at Twisted Pine Brewery. Left to right, Sherron Shuffield, Ruth Harvey, Dorothy Coltrin, Helen Holden, Carmen Caver, Berry Todd, and Sharon Nehls. ( Cindy Meyer also attended)
Upcoming Interest Group Activities
The Theater Goers group will see five Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company (BETC) plays together in 2024-25. Please join us for these Sunday 2:00 p.m. matinees followed by conversation and reflection at the Dairy (and in February at The Nomad Playhouse). You and a friend/partner may purchase individual tickets from the BETC website, or you may schedule your season subscription for the following dates:
November 17: Enemy of the People
December 15: Little Women
February 23: Hope and Gravity (at the Nomad Playhouse in north Boulder)
April 20: The White Chip
Please contact interim chair Cindy Meyer for details, a 5% UWC Theater Goers discount code for individual performances, and to be added to the e-mail list. Also, please contact Cindy if you would be willing to help organize additional plays for the fall, at 713-256-9185 or cfmeyer at sbcglobal dot net.
Interest Groups Information
Bicycling – The weekly Thursdays meetings will resume in May 2025. New Chairs needed. Please contact Interest Groups Chair Lois Linsky if interested (303-499-2689).
Bicycling – Easy Riders –Chair Rebecca Batizy 303-601-9956 or Rebeccabatizy at gmail dot com. Contact chair for current information about meeting dates and times. New members welcome.
Book Group – Afternoon – Fourth Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. mostly at members’ homes or on ZOOM. Vaccinations required. Chairs: Mary Anna Dunn 720-355-8174; Lois Linsky 303-499-2689.
Book Group – Biographies – Third Friday at 3:00 p.m., in person. Chair: Mary Pierce 303-360-0157.
Book Group – The Original Book Group – Formerly Evening – Second Thursday at 2:30 p.m. Meetings held in members’ homes. Chairs: Judy Thompson 608-469-6883; Judy Reid 303-746-2983. This group has been meeting continuously since the 1950’s.
Bridge Group – First Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. Chair: Karen Neff 303-494-0467.
French Conversation – All Speaking Levels – Dates and times to be determined. Chair: Zdenka Smith 303-330-2856.
Games Group – It’s Anyone’s Game – Board and card games. Third Tuesday from 1:30 – 4:00 p.m. at home of Chair in Louisville. Contact chair to join. Chair: Kathleen Newton 720-548-8661.
Garden Group – Third Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. Chairs: Jyotsna Raj 303-447-8831; Jean Rohrschneider 720-542-9788.
Golfing – For the Casual Golfer – 1:00 p.m. every Thursday at various golf courses, new members welcome. Chair: Susan Planck 303-499-3916.
Hiking and Strolling – Every Friday 9:00 a.m. Meet at southern end of the east side of covered parking lot opposite the lower-level east entrance to the former Macy’s. Chairs: Joan (Joanie) Cardone 303-263-7823; Frieda Holley 303-499-3733. Please note: Dogs are not allowed on UWC hikes.
Italian Conversation – Wednesday, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. on Zoom. Chair: Maxene Wilson 303-530-4619.
Music – Second Monday afternoon of most months in members’ homes, providing a venue for musical performers to meet and share their love of music in an intimate setting. Chairs: Berry Todd 303-442-9083; Tula Roberge 303-443-2509.
On the Road Again — Occasional in-person road trips. Chair: Kathy Randall 303-746-4528.
Out to Lunch – Usually Fourth Wednesday, at noon at various local restaurants. Chairs: Jean Rohrschneider 720-542-9788; Jyotsna Raj 303-447-8831.
Readers’ Theater 2 – Third Monday 4:00 p.m. at the Boulder Library. Chairs: Patty Ludke 303-817-1020; Kathy Randall 303-746-4528.
Spanish Conversation Advanced – Contact chair for details. Chair: Diana King 303-803-4583.
Sunday Afternoon at the Movies – Usually second Sunday, to see movies at a theater in Boulder or nearby theater. Chairs: Sharon Nehls 303-494-5778; Carmen Caver 803-606-5619.
Theater Goers – Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company matinees. Acting Chair, Cindy Meyer 713-256-9185.
Groups that are at capacity
- Book Group – The Bookies – Kathy Randall 303-746-4528.
- Book Group Small – Fiction and Non-Fiction, Joyce Bograd.
- Book Group – Second Monday, Janet Evans.
- Book Group – Mysteries, Betty Barnes.
- Bridge Group Intermediate level – First Wednesday Chair: Karen Neff
To start a new interest group requires at least five members including a chairperson.
If you are interested in starting a new group please contact the Interest Group Coordinator for more information: Lois Linsky Interest Group Coordinator, 303-499-2689.
To form a new book group, contact Kathy Randall, 303-746-4528.
Suggested New Groups
Any interest? Remember to start a new group there must be a leader and five participants.
- Tatting
- Antiques
Send your photos for MESSAGES!
Send your interest group photos and/or photos you have taken of Boulder and surrounds for inclusion in MESSAGES – send to MESSAGES editor Tamera Van Spriell at
President – Anne Hudson
Past President and President Elect – Andie Kutinsky
Secretary and Secretary Elect – Sharon Nehls
Treasurer and Treasurer Elect – Frieda Holley
Board Members
Acknowledgements: Donations made “in honor of” – Joyce Spencer
Advisory/Parliamentarian – Frieda Holley
Honors Reception – TBD
Interest Groups Chair – Lois Linsky
Margaret Willard Award Chair – Andie Kutinsky
Membership Chair – Merry Bullock
Membership Coffee – Lynne Barnett
Editor – Tam Van Spriell
Copy Editor – Kathleen Salzberg
Technical Editor – Merry Bullock
New Members – Shirley Harkess
Nominating Committee – Kathy Randall
Opera Brunch – Sandy Johnson
Chair – Norma Portnoy
UMC Liaison – Tam Van Spriell
Registration – Lynne Barnett
Scholarship Committee Chair – Jean Manifesto
Scholarship Luncheon – Jonette Lucia
Website – Joyce Spencer
Zoom Masters – Merry Bullock, Lynne Barnett
Non-Board Positions
Document Repository – Frieda Holley
Email Communications – Diana King, Coordinator
Archives/Historian – Karen Neff
Photographer Coordinator – Berry Todd
UWC Calendar 2024-2025
- Tuesday, 12 November 2024 – Lecture Luncheon #2
- No scheduled events – Happy Holidays!
January, 2025
- Tuesday, 14 January 2025 – Lecture Luncheon #3
- Tuesday, 18 February 2025 – Lecture Luncheon #4
- Tuesday, 11 March 2025 – Lecture Luncheon #5
- Sunday, 16 March 2025 – Opera Brunch
- Tuesday, 15 April 2025 – Scholarship Luncheon
- Tuesday, 13 May 2025 – Honors Reception