FRIDAY, October 6, 2023 – UMC Aspen Room

Dr. June Gruber

June Gruber – Discovering the Science of Happiness

Dr. June Gruber is an Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Colorado and Director of the Positive Emotion and Psychopathology Laboratory. Dr. Gruber has authored over 100 articles and chapters, and edited 2 books, that focus on mental health and positive emotion, with a focus on bipolar and related mood disorders. Dr. Gruber teaches courses on topics including emotion, affective science, psychopathology, and happiness and has created a free online course in Human Emotion. She is the recipient of the 2020 UROP Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award and has a monthly column for young scientists in Science Careers.

Discovering the Science of Happiness

Challenges to mental health is a growing concern internationally. Yet what can the science of happiness offer to combat these challenging societal stressors?  This talk will first consider the landscape of current mental health struggles and multidimensional stressors adolescents and adults are facing. Next, Dr. Gruber will share recent insights underlying diverse conceptualizations of emotional wellness and evidence-based antidotes to common “happiness myths” grounded in the science of happiness. The talk will end with a call to action to promote and elevate sustained and balanced happiness looking forward.

Special Note for this Luncheon: The room available for the October Luncheon at CU is limited in size and we will be able to accommodate only 88 people for the luncheon. Therefore, please sign up early to ensure a space!

We are working on making live on-line streaming available for any over-flow for this event. We will announce here if this is available (after the room capacity is filled).

Luncheon Logistics
The Lecture-Luncheon doors open at 10:30 a.m. The lecture begins at 11:00 until 12:00. Lunch will be served after the lecture to encourage discussion of the lecture topic over lunch.

The price for the Lecture Luncheon is $28. If you are bringing guests you may also enter their names and pay for their lunches here. If you are bringing more than three guests please complete a second form.

If you are so inclined, you can also make an additional donation to the UWC Scholarship Program.

Looking foward to seeing you!

So Sorry – registrations at maximum, therefore closed.