MESSAGES October 2021


Six Degrees of Separation is the idea that all people on average are six or fewer social connections from each other. As a result, a chain of ‘friend of a friend’ statements can be made to connect any two people in a maximum of six steps. This theory was first proposed by the Hungarian writer Frigyes Karinthy in 1929 and popularized by John Guare’s 1990 play named Six Degrees of Separation.
Based on this mathematical assumption, we are ‘connected’ to some degree to our sisters in Afghanistan, if not personally, certainly through empathy and maybe even ‘a friend of a friend.’ If you can relate on any level to what we’ve been observing in the news recently you must be horrified by the gun-wielding Taliban forcing Afghan women out of the marketplace and back into the shadows in order to satisfy the Taliban’s interpretation of Islamic and cultural modesty standards. It does indeed raise so many theological, political and cultural questions: Why them? Why not us?
From Kabul to Boulder
Our own country is far from perfect, but here we are enjoying freedoms and opportunities that our sisters living under totalitarian regimes only dream about, for which they risk their lives if given the opportunity (see for example The Underground Girls of Kabul). I would love for the UWC to find ways to contribute to women who have escaped from an oppressive regime through increasing their educational opportunities this year. We, women of privilege, have a moral obligation and a unique opportunity before us to offer a gift of possibility that could once again be life-changing. I am so proud of the commitment the UWC has made to financially support both women and men through the scholarships we offer each year. Once again let’s give generously to this worthy endeavor.
On a Lighter Note: Thinking Outside the Box
This summer you spoke (via the survey), and we listened. In response to your stated requests, we held the Membership Coffee outside at Harlow Platts Park overlooking picturesque Viele Lake (see photos below). What a beautiful and relaxed setting in which to greet old and new friends, sign-up for your favorite interest groups or try new ones, and hear about the year’s program plans, including lectures and the musical ‘Guys and Dolls’ for the ‘opera brunch’ next spring. We also learned more about the Scholarship Fund. (Donations made through August totaled a bit less than the same time last year, but we are hopeful that this trend will improve.) We also were reminded that candidates for the Margaret Willard Award and for UWC board officers are being solicited. If we have learned nothing else this past year, we certainly have learned to be flexible and ‘think outside the box’ on many occasions.
Honoring the Many Gifts Women Offer
Take the UWC Board for example. Your Board is composed of competent, responsible and imaginative women who take their responsibilities seriously. In addition, there are 20+ women who lead our interests groups. All provide a level of leadership and willingness to ‘jump in’ to lend a hand or an idea wherever needed. I value each woman’s contribution immensely, and as President, I am privileged to work collaboratively with such amazing women.
Have you renewed your UWC Membership?
We are all so busy that it’s easy to forget to renew UWC membership. But the cut-off date for inclusion in the UWC November electronic directory is this month-October 15. So, if you have not already done so, just take a few minutes to complete the form and pay your UWC membership dues and donate to the scholarship fund.
University Woman’s Club offers so many benefits:
- September Membership Coffee/Tea
- Monthly lecture events beginning in October
- Over 25 Interest Groups- something for everyone
- Opera Event
- Scholarship Luncheon
- Honors Reception and Margaret Willard Award
- UWC Membership Directory
- MESSAGES newsletter- to keep you informed of all our activities
- Or check the UWC website
And of course, through your generous donations to the UWC Scholarship Fund, we can continue to provide scholarships to non-traditional CU students.
Membership dues are still $35 and cover the UWC year from September through August. Your $35 dues include a $5 donation to the scholarship fund. And of course, we always welcome larger scholarship donations. Many of our members continue to donate more than the $5 included in the dues.
So while you are reading this, why not click on this link (Membership Renewal Page) and complete the membership form. You can pay dues/make scholarship donations via PayPal or check. What could be easier?
If you have any questions regarding your UWC Membership, please email Arlene Gerwin, Membership Chair at
Lecture Series for 2021-2022!
We hope you’ll attend the five stimulating lectures we’ve scheduled for the 2021-2022 academic year. Please register now to attend the October 12th and November 9th lectures that will be conducted on Zoom at no cost to members. We hope to conduct the January, February and March 2022 lecture luncheons in-person in the University Memorial Center on campus. However, we will conduct these lectures virtually if the pandemic makes it unsafe for us to convene in person.
***October Lecture – Sign up NOW ***

OCTOBER: Classy Ladies: Women Composers of Great Music – Betsy Schwarm, Classical Music Historian
Women composers have been both important and influential, bringing their own perspectives to writing and performing great music. Betsy Schwarm will explore the subject, from the Italian Renaissance to American composers today, with abundant musical examples and suggestions for future listening.
Register Here
2021-22 Lecture Event Series

November 9, 2021: Stories of Colorado Women: The Famous, the Infamous, and the Ones You Have Never Heard Of – Rae Wiseman from History Colorado
Throughout Colorado’s history, there have been women who have had a lasting impact on our lives and the rights that we enjoy today. Native Americans and pioneer settlers to health providers, educators, and writers, women from a variety of backgrounds have risen to tremendous heights in their fields, despite adversity and social barriers. Many of them were true pioneers. We are indebted to these women, as you will see in this fascinating and informative lecture.
Register Here

January 11, 2022 – Famous Women in Science: Navigating a Man’s World – Barbara T. Zimmerman, PhD, Founder of Biomedical Communication and Consulting
Women scientists have often been stereotyped as “geeks” or “nerds” who may be brilliant but not really feminine according to the standards of the dominant males of their generation. Dr. Zimmerman will talk about some famous women in science and highlight their accomplishments as well as unique obstacles and challenges they faced in becoming scientists. She will also discuss alternative fields that are attracting them and her own experience in the biomedical field.
Register Here

Wednesday, February 9, 2022 – Why Watching Modern Dance is So Hard: 10 Hot Tips to Make It Easier – Erika Randall, Chair of the CU Department of Theatre and Dance
In this pithy, physical, and playful talk, Randall will unpack dance moves like “the hinge,” the confounding history of running in concert dance, and how to notice and negotiate our biases when watching bodies in motion. This historical and “how-to” lecture will prepare you for better dance consumption, particularly of the 2021-2022 CU Theatre & Dance and Artist Series Season.
Register Here

Wednesday March 9, 2022 – Shifting Narratives: How Journalism’s Coverage of Mass Shootings Has Evolved – Elizabeth Skewes, CU, Journalism Department Chair
Please join us as CU’s Chair of the Journalism Department shares preliminary findings from her new research on media coverage of mass shootings and school shootings from the 1966 shooting at the University of Texas in Austin to the shooting last year at the Table Mesa King Soopers in our own community. She will discuss how coverage has changed since the mid-1960s and how journalists try to balance the duty to inform the public with the need to treat victims and survivors with an ethic of care.
Register here
Happy Hour/Tea Time Conversations via ZOOM
We’d love to have you join one of our Happy Hour/Tea Time conversations. It is a great way to get to know new UWC members, and a great way get to know old friends better. We’re now meeting twice a month, usually the first and third Tuesday at 4:00, but in October it will be the first and fourth Tuesday. Contact Kathy Randall (katherineran at gmail dot com) to reserve a spot for one or both conversations or to sign up for automatic inclusion for the UWC year.
October 5: If you could choose an era or decade in which to be born different from the one into which you were actually born, what era or decade would you choose? (You can go forward or backward or even into the future.)
October 26: What was one of your favorite TV programs when you were growing up? What is one of your favorite TV programs now?
Boulder University Women’s Club Scholarship Luncheon
will be held on Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at the Boulder Country Club. We are looking forward to seeing you there! Mark your calendars now so you don’t miss this important event.
Message from the Scholarship Chair
As another academic year gets underway, the pandemic is still with us and UWC events will again be virtual this fall. Without in-person reminders at the Lecture Luncheons, donations to the Scholarship Fund may not be top of your mind, so I want to take this opportunity to emphasize that donations are still as important as ever this year. Because attendance at the wonderful Lecture Events will be free to members, please consider donating some of the funds you would normally have allocated to our traditional Lecture Luncheons to the Scholarship Fund!
Listening to the interviews with last spring’s recipients on our website will remind you how important your donations are, not only to these recipients, but to those that many of them will choose to help in the future. As one of our 2020-‘21 recipients said, she “knows what it is like to have to go without…” going on to say that “the kindness of the community was so important to (her) as a kid, (she) can’t think of a better way to spend … time than making others’ lives a bit better.” This is a reminder to us all that our donations can be multiplied many times over. When we help students succeed, we help them with their dedication to making the world a better place than they found it.
It’s easy to donate – just go to the UWC website ( and look under Scholarships. While at the website, also look for the “Support UWC “ section and learn how to sign up for the King Soopers and Amazon Smile charitable rewards programs, which enable automatic donations to UWC, so you have an additional donation at no cost to you!
Marge Riddle, Scholarship Committee Chair
August Donations
Beth Karpf
Valerie Koch
Jean Rohrschneider
Nancy Schwiesow
Carol Smoot
Kathryn Terrill
Judith Thompson
Dorothy E. Thompson
Tamera VanSpriell
Kathryn Wardell
Lyn Wickelgren
In Memoriam
Arlene Gerwin, in memorium for Joel Salzberg “May his memory be a blessing”
Interest Group News

Come for a Bike Ride with UWC Easy Riders
The UWC Easy Riders had some wonderful bike rides this year. If you are a new rider or just like to leisurely ride 10-12 miles, come and join us. We usually ride on Tuesday mornings. Call Dorothy Coltrin (720-527-4704) for more information and to be added to the email list. And we are looking for a co-chair to help Dorothy plan the rides.
Looking for Members
Book Club Opening: The original 4th Tuesday, 1:30 book club has openings. Please contact co-chairs Carol Saunders or Lois Linsky
Sunday Afternoon at the Movies – second Sunday of the month – contact Chair Kathleen Newton, 720-548-8661.
September Activities
Readers Theater 2 put on a performance of The Wizard of Oz complete with singing, voices and costumes
Interest Groups Information
Bicycling – Meets every Thursday from May through October; Chairs: Betsy Barrett, 602-677-4627; Gail Smith 303-960-5004
Bicycling – Easy Riders – Meeting on a schedule during September. Contact chair for details. Chair: Dorothy Coltrin 720-527-4704, Becky Palmer 303-449-0884
Book Group – Afternoon – Fourth Tuesday at 1:30 pm at members’ homes. Chair: Carol Saunders 303-499-3731, Lois Linsky 303-499-2689
Book Group – Biographies – Third Friday at 3:00 pm – ZOOM. Chair: Zdenka Smith 303-444-8547
Book Group – Formerly Evening – second Thursday 3:30 pm. Chairs: Judy Thompson 608-469-6883; Marge Riddle 303-378-0605
Book Group Small – Fiction and Non-fiction – Fourth Tuesday at 1:30 pm at members’ homes. Chair: Joyce Bograd 303-444-5304
Bridge Group – first Wednesday at 1:00 pm. Chair: Ginnie Ross, 303-442-5014
French Conversation – All Speaking Levels – 2nd and 4th Tuesday 9:00 – 10:30 am on ZOOM. Chair: Beth Karpf 303- 862-7335
Garden Group – third Wednesdays, April through October. Chairs: JyotsnaRaj 303-447-8831; Jean Rohrschneider 720-542-9788
Golfing – For the casual golfer, 1:00 pm every Thursday at various golf courses, new members welcome. Chair: Susan Planck 303-499-3916
Hiking – Every Friday 9:00 am September -May; 8:30 am June-August in person at Macy’s lower level parking garage – Chairs: Joan (Joanie) Cardone, 303-263-7823; Frieda Holley 303-499-3733
Italian Conversation – Wednesday, 1:30-2:30 pm on Zoom. Chair: Maxine Wilson, 303-530-4619
On the Road Again – taking virtual road trips until in-person meetings can be resumed. Chair: Kathy Randall 303-746-4528
Out to Lunch – Fourth Wednesday, at noon at various local restaurants. Chairs: Jean Rohrschneider 720-542-9788; Jyotsna Raj 303-447-8831
Reader’s Theater 2 – Third Monday 4:00 p.m. on Zoom. Patty Ludke 303-817-1020; Kathy Randall 303-746-4528
Snowshoeing – Wednesday when snow is good. Chairs: Arlene Gerwin 303-494-1307; Joan (Joanie) Cardone 303-263-7823
Spanish Conversation Advanced – Contact chair for details. Chair: Diana King 303-530-1860
Spanish Learners Beginners and Intermediates – Contact chair for details. Chair: Carol Cech 303- 499-4843
Sunday Afternoon at the Movies – 2nd Sunday, meeting at Boulder Theater, Chair: Kathleen Newton, 720-548-8661
Groups that are reorganizing:
- Music – New Chair needed
- Needlecraft – Chair: Ginnie Ross, 303-442-5014
- Theater Goers, New chair needed
Groups that are at capacity:
- Book Group – The Bookies, Kathy Randall
- Book Group – Second Monday, Janet Evans
- French Conversation, Dot Thompson
- Readers’ Theatre 1, Jeannette Hillery
To start a new interest group requires at least five members including a chairperson.
If you are interested in starting a new group, please contact the Interest Group Coordinator for more information: Linda Nordberg, Interest Group Coordinator, 978-314-9987).
To form a new book group, contact Kathy Randall, 303-746-4528.
Margaret Willard Award
The University Women’s Club is soliciting nominations for the Margaret Willard Award for 2022. The award, named for the first president of the club, is presented annually to a woman who exercises initiative in her endeavors and in doing so brings honor to all women and /or to our University of Colorado Boulder Campus.
Nominees may be connected to CU Boulder in some way or be members of the Boulder community. There are hundreds of women who fit these criteria! Look around and find that special woman and nominate her, so we can celebrate her and honor Margaret Willard.
Please submit a nomination by March 1, 2022. Nominations consist of the nominee’s name, a brief description of why she is deserving of the award, and supporting letters. The form can be accessed here. You can complete it online or print it out and send to the Award Committee Chair Patty Ludke, 2938 Kalmia Ave #21, Boulder CO 80301.
Questions? Contact Patty Ludke, Chair MWA (303-817-1020).
Nominations for UWC Elected Executive Positions
The UWC Nominating Committee is tasked with recommending nominees for President-Elect, Secretary-Elect and Treasurer-Elect to serve on the UWC Board next year (2022-23). The “elect” positions then serve the following year (2023-24) as the President, Secretary and Treasurer.
If you would like to be considered for one of the “elect” positions or can recommend someone, please contact any member of the Nominating Committee which consists of Kathy Randall, Chair; Norma Portnoy, Board Representative, and Jyotsna Raj, Membership Representative. If you would like more information, please contact Kathy Randall or complete this interest form.
Support UWC Through Shopping
Look at this!
You can raise funds for UWC at NO COST TO YOU!
King Soopers and Amazon both have programs that will donate a percentage of your qualifying purchases to UWC at no cost to you whatsoever! Even better, once you’re set up, everything happens automatically. It’s “easy peasy!” University Women’s Club hopes that as many members as possible will enroll in these programs and designate UWC as the recipient of these donations. And to make it happen, we’re here to help you get enrolled.
King Soopers shoppers can join their Community Awards Program and Amazon customers can join the Amazon Smile Program. The vast majority of our members frequent both companies on a regular basis and should join both programs. For that matter, let’s also get our spouses, children, and adult grandchildren to join these programs to help us raise funds.
The decision to participate is truly a no-brainer!
Support UWC When Shopping at King Soopers
With the King Soopers Community Rewards program, you can support UWC with every purchase. You’ll simply need to create an online account and then register your Loyalty (“Shoppers”) Card to link it to UWC. Purchases at King Soopers would generate an annual gift of approximately $115 for a single-occupant household and $230 for a two-person household.
Please click here for instructions on how to do this.
Designate UWC in the Amazon Smile Program
With AmazonSmile, you’ll automatically help UWC every time you shop, with no cost to you of either time or money. You can link your Amazon account to the University Women’s Club through the AmazonSmile Program. Then just shop using the AmazonSmile website ( and UWC will earn a percentage of your qualifying purchases. Tens of millions of products on AmazonSmile are eligible for donations.
Please click here for instructions on how to do this.
Thank you!
THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING in this program to help UWC raise needed funds.
Member Acknowledgement
Membership Courtesy
If you know of a member who would appreciate a card, note, or any personal contact due to illness, death, or other reasons for support, please inform UWC at
Members in Memoriam
As information to members, and to remember those who have passed away, the UWC Board is beginning an “in Memoriam” section on the website. This section will honor those UWC members who have passed away in the current year. If you are aware of UWC members who have left us, please let Joyce Spencer, webmaster, know the member’s name.
Member Coffee – Outside at Viele Park

President – Tamera VanSpriell
President Elect – Norma Portnoy
Past President – Janet Brewer
Secretary & Secy Elect – Karen Bell
Treasurer – Kathy Herder
Treasurer-Elect – Frieda Holley
Board Members
Communications – vacant
Directory – Diana King
Email / Email Monitoring – Berry Todd
Historian/Yearbook – Vacant
Honors Reception – Karen Johnson
Interest Groups – Linda Nordberg
Lecture Registration – Lynne Barnett
Margaret Willard Award – Patty Ludke
Membership – Arlene Gerwin
MESSAGES – Merry Bullock
New Members – Janet Brewer
Nominating Committee – Kathy Randall
Opera Brunch – Sandy Johnson
Parliamentarian – Frieda Holley
Program Chair – Norma Portnoy
Program Co-Chair – Sharon Nehls
Repository – Diana King
Scholarship Committee – Marge Riddle
Scholarship Luncheon – Jonette Lucia
Telephone Tree – Open
Website – Joyce Spencer
UWC Calendar 2021-2022
05 Tuesday, Board Meeting, 10:30 a.m.
05 Tuesday, HappyHour/TeaTime Conversations – 4 pm – contact Kathy Randall
10 Sunday, MESSAGES Deadline
12 Tuesday, Lecture Webinar, 11:00 a.m. on ZOOM
26 October, HappyHour/TeaTime Conversations – 4 pm – contact Kathy Randall
02 Tuesday, Board Meeting, 10:30 a.m.
09 Tuesday, Lecture Webinar, 11:00 a.m. on ZOOM
10 Wednesday, MESSAGES Deadline
10 Friday, MESSAGES Deadline (Dec/Jan Issue)
TBD New Member Wine & Cheese – time to be determined depending on whether meeting virtually (December) or in person (January)
January 2022
04 Tuesday, Board Meeting, 10:30 a.m.
10 Monday, MESSAGES Deadline
11 Tuesday, Lecture 11:00 a.m.
01 Tuesday, Board Meeting, 10:30 a.m.
09 Wednesday, Lecture 11:00 a.m. NOTE CHANGE IN DAY OF WEEK
10 Thursday, MESSAGES Deadline
01 Tuesday, Board Meeting, 10:30 a.m.
09 Wednesday, Lecture 11:00 a.m. NOTE CHANGE IN DAY OF WEEK
10 Thursday, MESSAGES Deadline
13 Sunday, Opera Brunch
05 Tuesday, Board Meeting, 10:30 a.m.
10 Sunday, MESSAGES Deadline
19 Tuesday , Scholarship Luncheon
03 Tuesday, Tri-board Meeting, 10:30 a.m.
17 Tuesday, Honors Reception