MESSAGES March 2020 – Issue 6

Lecture Luncheon
March Lecture Luncheon
March 10, 2020, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. In the UMC Room 235

Women and the West
Speaker: Dr. Patty Limerick
Faculty Director and Chair of the Board Center of the American West
Limerick has dedicated her career to bridging the gap between academics and the general public and to demonstrating the benefits of applying historical perspective to contemporary dilemmas and conflicts. In January 2016 Governor Hickenlooper named Limerick as the Colorado State Historian and served till 2018.
In January 2016 she was appointed to the National Endowment for the Humanities advisory board, the National Council on the Humanities. In 2015 Patty was nominated by President Obama and confirmed by the U.S. Senate.
Reservations & payment due February 24
Questions? Contact Lynne Barnett, 303- 499-3003

Lecture Event payment must be received NO LATER than February 24. Please send payment of $25 to our Hospitality Chair, Norma Portnoy,
1603 Waneka Lake Trail, Lafayette, CO 80026.
Questions on reservations? 303-908-9371 or
Lecture luncheon checks are due at least 14 days before each luncheon. Request for cancellations will be accepted up to 2 weeks before the event date. If a member must cancel, we encourage donating the fee to the scholarship fund. After the two-week deadline, refunds or donations to the fund cannot take place. Reservations may be made online here
President’s Message

March is the month of expectation; The things we do not know –
Emily DickinsonThis issue of MESSAGES marks the beginning of our UWC spring season. There are some notable events to put into your calendar!
The March Lecture Luncheon will feature Patty Limerick, a CU professor of history and director Center of the American West. Lively and entertaining, she will tell us about Woman of the West. Be sure to sign up for this last luncheon of the year!
March also brings our opera brunch – a special treat this year is the Marriage of Figaro. Here is what Johannes Brahms said about it: “In my opinion, each number in Figaro is a miracle; it is totally beyond me how anyone could create anything so perfect; nothing like it was ever done again….” (from Wikipedia). You can eat lunch with friends, hear a lecture about the opera,
and then see the performance – all in one short afternoon – March 15.
April is our scholarship month!! UWC members have the opportunity to meet our scholarship recipients – “non-traditional” undergraduates who we help to complete their CU education. Last month, on behalf of UWC, I attended CU’s “Celebration of Scholarships” luncheon honoring scholarship fund donors (UWC is one), and recipients. Student’s stories and plans are so inspiring and should bring pride to each of us at UWC –we have provided over $320,000 to more than 135 students over the six plus decades since our scholarship program began. All this is possible through our collective generosity – donations. It’s easy to contribute – you can add to your membership dues or event registrations – or donate directly from the web. Please considering adding a little – or a lot! – to your check or online payment.
UWC typically ends its year with the Honor’s reception honoring the Margaret Willard award recipient, past presidents, president awardees, and each other. This year, in celebrations of UWC’s centennial, we are foregoing an Honor’s Reception, and instead hosting an all-out GALA event. May 15 will see an evening of UWC celebration, with performances, music, and a delicious meal and birthday cake. Plan to attend and plan to bring your family and friends! You can find signup forms online and in MESSAGES.
Who has trouble parking? If you attend the UWC Lecture Luncheons at CU, you have probably noticed that parking has become a troubling issue. We encourage your ideas for how to make attending UWC events easy – by taking the bus, carpooling, or other creative solutions! We will be putting suggestions for transportation tips on the web – look for them there!
And last – one goal this year is to help streamline UWC’s logistics – with online forms and online payments for Lecture Luncheons and other events. We have had a few snags but are almost there! Look forward to an updated web and more online possibilities in the months to come! We welcome your feedback on this new step! (write to with suggestions!)
I look forward to seeing you all at UWC’s upcoming events and encourage you to consider volunteering with the University Women’s Club for the up- coming 2020-2021 year.
UWC has a long and proud tradition of awarding scholarships to our non-traditional students at CU who have had their college studies interrupted, and so many of our members have indicated they feel so very good about being part of this effort. The Scholarship Committee has been busy this month reviewing the applications of many amazing students, and we will be presenting and celebrating these remarkable young people at the Scholarship Luncheon on April 21st, so mark your calendars!
We want to take this opportunity to give a heartfelt thanks to all of you who donated to the Scholarship Fund by making a special contribution to accompany your Membership dues. The list below includes those who made a donation in addition to the $5 included in the dues. Again, thank you all so much for your generosity!
Margaret Riddle, Scholarship Chair
Donors to this Year’s Scholarship Fund between January 1 and 31, 2020
Merry Bullock, Karen Haimes, Becky Palmer, Margot Crowe, Anne Hudson
Donors have contributed more than the amount included in annual dues. Please note that donations received in February will be listed in next month’s MESSAGES.
UWC Steps Out:
Celebration of Scholarships

Each year CU holds a reception to celebrate their named scholarship donors and honor the students who have received these scholarships. As a donor organization for the UWC scholarship for non-traditional CU undergraduates, UWC is among the donors attending. This year’s luncheon feted a large number of students, two of whom shared their educational journeys.

We also heard from a donor who is paving the way for vets, also non-traditional students to succeed at CU. Hearing Chancellor Di Stefano recount the importance of support, and students’ stories was inspiring and reinforced our dedication and commitment to service!
Nominating Committee Report
The Nominating Committee, consisting of Janet Brewer Chair, Karen Diamond, and Frieda Holley has presented the following slate of officers. The UWC Board approved the slate at the November Board Meeting. The membership will vote on the officers at the March 10, 2020 luncheon.

President-Elect 2020-21 (to serve as President 2021-22)
Tamera (Tam) has been a member of the University Women’s Club for eight years and has held Board positions for six of those years. She was chair of the Opera Brunch for two years, co-chair of the Scholarship Luncheon with Linda Nordberg for two years and co-chair of the Interest Groups again with Linda for two years.
She retired from a 20-year career with Merck & Co., Inc. in clinical quality assurance where she traveled domestically and internationally auditing research studies conducted in support of Merck’s clinical trials. Data from these trials ultimately supported new drug applications sent to the FDA.
She is eager to become more fully engaged with the UWC Board in a broader capacity.

Treasurer-Elect 2020-21 (to serve as Treasurer 2021-22)
Kathy Herder has thirty years of experience in accounting, human resources, purchasing, and office administration. She has worked in small, mid-size, and large construction, engineering and service-oriented companies at all levels of management. Her most recent positions were as Controller of a national US company, prior to relocating to Singapore in 2007, then as Controller for The American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore from 2008-2012. She served as an executive committee member for financial and governance issues for aidha, a not for profit organization providing financial education for women migrant workers in Singapore.
Kathy is our current Treasurer and Treasurer-Elect.

Secretary-Elect 2020-21 (to serve as Secretary 2021-22)
Karen is a registered nurse (RN) and was the Clinical Nurse Specialist/Educator for the Nephrology Department at University of Colorado Health. She and her husband have been in Boulder 1974-77 and 1983-present. They have two children (Fairview grads) who each have two children and live in NYC and Charleston, SC. She travels frequently and volunteers for EFAA, OSMP and the National Kidney Foundation. She sings with the Boulder Chorale, has served on their board, and is currently on the grants committee. She joined UWC about 3 years ago at the invitation of two friends from the chorale. Initially she attended only the lecture/luncheon meetings and has since enjoyed travels with “On the Road Again” and meetings with the Garden Group. She is a strong advocate of the scholarship program that UWC supports and considers the interest groups a delight. She looks forward to serving as Secretary-Elect.