April Scholarship Luncheon, April 18, 2023

UWC President Norma Portnoy welcomed all to the event, then had a brief business meeting to elect our “Elect” Officers who will serve as President (Anne Hudson), Secretary (Sharon Nehls), and Treasurer (Frieda Holley) in 2024-25.

This luncheon honored the five recipients of our scholarships:

  • Sarah Coronna
  • Bryan Gager
  • Andrea Miller
  • Jae Robinson
  • Beatrix Runyan

They were introduced by their respective Scholarship Committee member (Sydney Hoerler, Kathleen Salzberg, Judith Auer, Diana Maiden, and Joyce Bograd), then each recipient gave a brief speech.

Then eight models circled through the tables 3 times with outfits from Chicos:

  • Susan Anderson
  • Joanie Cardone
  • Anne Hudson
  • Jane Laughlin
  • Kathy Randall
  • Joyce Spencer
  • Berry Todd
  • Tam VanSpriell

Special thanks to Mr. John Irons (only male guest) for his sponsorship of the event at the Boulder Country Club and to Jonette Lucia the chair of the Scholarship Luncheon plus her committee: Lois Anderson, Linda Hultman, Jean Manifesto, and Lynne Barnett.

Thanks also to Della from Chicos for hosting the fashion show and bringing raffle gifts.

For those who attended the April Scholarship Luncheon, Della announced at the luncheon that you can receive a 10 percent discount (on all purchases one day) from the store in the Flatirons Mall if you tell the person checking you out that you were present at the event. Chicos is on the main floor.
Della originally said you should keep your raffle receipt to show as proof, but in case you did not, just tell the checker that you were promised a 10 percent discount. Della was not sure how long this offer would be valid, so try to use the offer soon. The offer is good on sale items as well as on full price ones.


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