MESSAGES October 2020 – Issue 2

As a matter of policy, UWC does not publish personal email addresses on the website. To retrieve members’ email addresses please use the Member Directory or send an inquiry email to the general UWC mail: For lists (e.g. interest groups) please print the linked PDF file.
October Lecture – Webinar Format – October 13th at 11 a.m.
Jack Hanley on “How to Watch a Documentary”
Documentary films are one of the most interesting cultural forms of our time. Some documentaries have even changed the world. These films are intended to document reality and have the power to educate and inspire. They serve as powerful tools that bring important topics to the table in a way that sparks conversation and sometimes even social movements.
Jack Hanley is an academic, critic, podcaster, and filmmaker based in Boulder. Jack is the host of several film series and has presented at the Denver Art Museum, the University of Colorado, the University of Florida, the Dairy Arts Center, and other public institutions. He is the founder of the Central and East European Film Festival at CU Boulder, a frequent talk-back host for the Boedecker Theater’s Cinema Program, and the host and co-programmer of the Crested Butte International Film Festival. He currently helms the award-winning film websites, Mile High Cinema and Kinophilia and co-hosts the Superlatives Film Podcast.
In his “How to Watch a Documentary” lecture, Jack will discuss the history of documentaries and their common elements, where to study documentary filmmaking, and how documentaries are funded. He will examine examples of films that created public awareness and literally changed the world. Finally, he will share a syllabus of recommended documentary films along with where to access them.
Who can attend UWC lectures?
UWC lecture/discussions are an important member benefit. Yet, they also offer an opportunity to showcase the value of belonging to UWC and are an important source of up-to-the-minute announcements.
To recognize these dual roles, the UWC board decided that for October 13, guests may also register at no cost. It is hoped that our guests will decide to join UWC. Our $35 annual dues are modest and bring even more benefits!
“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” –Aristotle
The UWC’s opening event, the Membership coffee, was a technological feat, carried out (as it was) in a Zoom webinar format. Several UWC members and I were the public-facing side of the presentation, while Merry Bullock and Lynne Barnett were co-hosts working behind the scenes. Someone commented that the event “went well … if only a little more exciting than a Board meeting.” Yes, I know … people are experiencing Zoom fatigue! But this year we don’t have many options for large gatherings (done safely) without a technological component, so we gave it the “old college try.”
Merry Bullock made a delightful power-point presentation to run concomitantly with the speakers’ content and somehow managed to re-play a video which was prepared by one of last year’s Scholarship recipients in place of a personal appearance. Eleven speakers learned how to appear on the screen (and disappear) at just the right time to dispense their information. Each person prepared and rehearsed separately as well as committing to an hour and a half “dress rehearsal” en masse.
The Membership Event opened with welcoming comments and the formal introduction of the current Board members of the UWC, illustrated by a “screen shot” taken at the most recent Board meeting. (Yes, your Board has to meet virtually, too.) Information was then communicated regarding our Scholarship program and UWC activities (webinars in lieu of Lecture Luncheons, interest group goings-on, and details about Margaret Willard award qualifications.) We featured a brand new activity, created by Kathy Randall specifically in response to Covid-19: Happy Hour/Tea Time Conversation via (you guessed it!) Zoom. Incidentally, Kathy is UWC’s official “Zoom Czar.”
I began this article trying to portray how complicated and time-intensive it was to put together our Membership recruitment event, not to mention planning our whole year. All involved made the effort to do so, knowing it could not replace UWC’s previous in-person membership coffees. However, our hope was/is great that our members will support the cause of keeping our club viable this year, donating sufficient money to fund our Scholarship program, and exploring our “new” ways of socializing.
If you missed the Membership Event, you may view it on our website:
UWC meetings are now online! UWC has obtained a UWC Zoom account which allows us the options of uninterrupted meeting length and the possibility of breaking into smaller groups for discussion. We also have the ability to host Webinars. The Zoom meeting has worked very well for Board meetings, for On the Road Again, several of the foreign language groups, the Out to Lunch Bunch, and other Interest Groups. “Breakout rooms” work well to keep the group size manageable and enable everyone to have a chance to share their ideas.
If you’ve never used Zoom before and feel a little intimidated by it, we can arrange a practice session so that you can feel comfortable with this new technology. If your interest group would like to use the UWC Zoom account, it is there for the asking. In either case, please contact our new “Zoom Czar” Kathy Randall, Landline: 303 530 1095; Cell: 303 746 4523. She will provide whatever you need.
As this unprecedented academic year gets underway, I want to remind our members, who through their generous donations last year allowed us to award six scholarships, that the need for financial support is likely even greater this year for many students.
At the (virtual) Membership Coffee, we heard from one of last year’s recipients how pandemic-related changes had resulted in her losing her on-campus job. We can certainly anticipate that many other non-traditional students, who often hold part-time jobs in addition to pursuing their studies, may be similarly affected this year, substantially increasing the importance of scholarship support.
At the same time, UWC events have had to go virtual and we are concerned that, without in-person reminders at the Lecture Luncheons, donating to the Scholarship Fund may not be at the top of everyone’s mind. So, I am taking this opportunity to emphasize that donations are more important than ever this year. Since attendance at our virtual Lecture Events is free to members, please consider making a scholarship donation when you register. You can attend the wonderful events that we heard about at the Membership Coffee (and in MESSAGES) and donate your usual Lecture Luncheon fund to scholarships! Videos from last year’s recipients are also on the website, so you can hear about the obstacles that our awardees have overcome to pursue their dreams.
Know that it is your generosity that helps make these dreams come to fruition, and that the need this year is likely to be greater than ever!
Marge Riddle, Scholarship Committee Chair
Donors to this Year’s Scholarship Fund in August, 2020
Janet H. Brewer
Sherry Bruff
Merry Bullock
Marge DeFries
Mary Anna Dunn
Kitty Edwards
Arlene S. Gerwin
Mary Greenwald
Maryann Grundmann
Linda Hattel
Louise Hutchings
Pat Irwin
Karon Johnson
Diana King
Ann McBryan
Karen Neff
Becky Palmer
Marilyn Peltzer
Kathy Randall
Beth Rauch
Carol Smoot
Kathryn Terrill
Berry Todd
Tamera VanSpriell
Lee Voll
Stephanie Wrotny
Be sure to renew your UWC membership to keep receiving MESSAGES and other UWC benefits!
The UWC Membership year runs from September through August, with most renewals in the early fall. Please don’t forget to renew yours – the current membership directory will include all those who have renewed (or joined) by October 15, 2020.
Renewing is easy!
We ask you to fill out your membership information online (name, address, telephone) and then you can either pay right away via credit card or PayPal on the PayPal link (you do not need an account for this option) OR you can fill out your information online and then send a check to the UWC Membership chair. All instructions and links are here
Invite your friends to join – send them the new UWC Membership Flyer!
View the full size flyer and download here
Did you know that UWC can receive contributions at NO cost to you, through your purchases?
You can link your Amazon account to the University Women’s Club of the University of Colorado at Boulder, through After your account is linked, just shop using the website. For complete instructions click here
To link your account, go to
You can register your regular King Soopers loyalty number to donate to UWC. King Soopers will donate 5% of your purchases directly to UWC!! Please click here for complete instructions.
Thank you for taking advantage of these great opportunities to help UWC and university students who need financial assistance.
Do you know an outstanding woman in the Boulder community?
The University Women’s Club is soliciting nominations for the Margaret Willard award for 2021. The award, named after the first president of the women’s club, is presented annually to a woman who has enhanced the quality of life for women in Boulder and/or on the CU Boulder Campus, is an exceptional role model, and has brought honor to all women through her accomplishments.
Nominees may be connected to CU Boulder in some way or be members of the Boulder Community. There are hundreds of women who fit these criteria. Look around and find that special woman and then nominate her so we can celebrate her while honoring Margaret Willard.
To make a nomination please see the nomination information online. Questions? Please contact telephone 303-579-8652
Kathleen Peterson, Margaret Willard Award Chair
CALLING FOR UWC NOMINATIONS for President-Elect, Secretary-Elect and Treasurer-Elect in 2021-22.
The “elect” positions serve the following year (2022-23) as the President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Here is a brief description of each position:
- President: Serves as the UWC figurehead and provides overall executive leadership. Chairs the Executive Board and provides supportive leadership to Board decisions and Board members.
- Secretary: Attends and takes minutes at all Executive Board Meetings and General Membership Meetings.
- Treasurer: Responsible for the oversight, management and reporting of UWC finances including bank account maintenance, financial transaction oversight, budget development, monthly financial reporting and all tax filings. (it’s not necessary to be a CPA for this role, but a good bookkeeper with Excel and Quick Books experience is ideal.)
In addition to attending board meetings next year, the elect positions provide the opportunity to become familiar with the tasks of the executive positions as well as being available as back-up if needed.
If you would like to be considered for one of the “elect” positions or can recommend someone, please contact Arlene Gerwin, Kathy Herder or Diana King who are on the Nominating Committee. If you are interested in reading the complete job description of the above positions, please contact Arlene Gerwin.
Arlene Gerwin, Nominating Committee Chair
Membership Courtesy
If you know of a member who would appreciate a card, note, or any personal contact due to illness, death, or other reasons for support, please inform Betty Huff, 303-919-8712.
Liven Up your Social life!!
If you haven’t tried it yet, consider joining one of our Happy Hour/Tea Time Conversations. It is a great way to get to know new UWC members, and a great way get to know old friends better. We’re now meeting twice a month, the first and third Tuesday at 4:00.
Contact Kathy Randall ( to reserve a spot for one or both conversations.
Here are the topics:
October 6: It’s a small world –or- six degrees of separation. Be ready with a story that illustrates our small world (did you run into a next door neighbor in a museum in Prague?) –or- a story about your connection to a famous person (is your sister’s friend’s cousin a movie star?).
October 20: Trick or treat? Tell us about the best/worst Halloween costume/party/ trick/treat/whatever you want to tell us. Did you make your kids’ costumes? visit a haunted house? have a pumpkin disaster?
Kathy Randall, Coordinator
2020-2021 UWC Lectures will Educate, Inspire and Energize You!
Here’s a brainteaser for you: what do the following questions have in common?
- How can I get the most from viewing documentaries and which films should I add to my watch list?
- How does the Boettcher Foundation invest in the promise of Colorado?
- How did one of the youngest music directors ever to be appointed to a major symphony get the education and experience required for such a position?
- How does my brain process, respond to, and create art?
- What can I do to avoid being scammed?
If you guessed that these questions will be answered by this year’s speakers, you guessed right!
We are excited to announce a great lineup of talks on a wide variety of topics, presented by talented guest lecturers who are widely recognized for their expertise. We have scheduled the October and November lectures and will schedule the January, February, and March lectures in late fall.
All lectures will be presented in a webinar format on Zoom. After you register online for the lectures, you will receive the necessary links and reminders via email. All lectures will be free this year as a UWC member benefit!
October 13, 2020 – 11:00-12:30 (see first article in this MESSAGES)
How to Watch a Documentary
Jack Hanley, Boulder Filmmaker
November 10, 2020 – 11:00-12:30
Leaning in: Shaping Colorado’s Future through Leadership and Community Investment
Katie Kramer, CEO, The Boettcher Foundation
Please join us on November 10 when we hear from our prestigious Margaret Willard Award recipient. Katie Kramer is being honored for her noteworthy contributions to her field and her contributions that benefit our community. As president and CEO of the Boettcher Foundation, Katie Kramer has been recognized as one of the Denver Business Journal’s “40 Under 40” and one of the Colorado Women’s Chamber of Commerce’s “Top 25 Most Powerful Women.”
Katie will talk about the transformational impact of leadership, the Boettcher Foundation’s current strategies and investment in the potential of Coloradans, and the influences that inspired her during her professional journey.
2021 Lectures – dates to be announced in late fall
Conducting Business: Lessons from the Podium
Brett Mitchell, Music Director, Colorado Symphony
You do not want to miss this informative and entertaining presentation by the extremely gifted yet humble Music Director of the Colorado Symphony, who gave his first public performance as a conductor at the age of 16. Hailed for presenting engaging, in-depth explorations of thoughtfully curated programs, Brett Mitchell has led the orchestra in the majority of its classical subscription programs every season, as well as a wide variety of special programs featuring guest artists including Yo-Yo Ma, Itzhak Perlman, and Renee Fleming. Brett regularly collaborates with the world’s leading soloists.
Conductor Mitchell will share his journey in music and the lessons in leadership that he learned along the way. You will hear about his fascinating journey leading to his appointment as Music Director of a major symphony orchestra at the age of only 37. Brett will also discuss the Colorado Symphony’s unique business model and its day-to-day workings.
Your Brain on Art
Bill Stoehr, Boulder Artist
Have you ever wondered why a particular work of art appeals to you? Attend this lecture to learn how the brain processes, responds to, and creates art. Boulder Artist, Bill Stoehr will focus on the brain’s response to art and ways in which it is a window to the way that we perceive the world.
You will find out how a greater understanding of the brain’s response to art can lead to improvement in education and medicine including helping to rehabilitate a brain after a stroke or debilitating disease.
Bill will also discuss his own creative process in which he creates ambiguity with abstraction and a few naturalistic cues, which enables viewers to create their own reality by completing images, creating narratives based on their own emotions.
How to Prevent Yourself From Becoming a Victim of Crime
Christian Gardner-Wood, Senior Deputy District Attorney; Lizbeth Parker, Specialist for the Community Protection Division, Boulder County District Attorney’s Office
Walk away from this presentation knowing more about how to protect your money and identity. You will learn about the most frequent scams including the latest scams related to the COVID-19 pandemic. You will learn ways to recognize and avoid these fraud attempts, whether they’re coming by way of phone calls, text messages, email, social media, mail, or even at the door. The speakers will present information about identity theft and ways to keep your personal and financial information safe.
Christian oversees all Boulder County prosecutions for elder abuse and significant financial fraud cases, and Lizbeth handles consumer complaints and reports of fraud, scams, elder abuse, and financial exploitation from community members.
Interest groups are a vital and integral part of the University Women’s Club.
Groups offer an opportunity to interact with others who share your pastimes and passions. They enable you to know people and develop friendships that can last a lifetime. They provide a way to remain connected to the larger UWC organization.
Many groups continue to be active, primarily on Zoom. Two groups – Bicycling and Golf – are meeting in person, appropriately socially distanced, of course. Sadly, a few groups are on hiatus until in-person meetings can resume. Several groups are seeking new members.
Joining an interest group is easy.
The groups that are taking new members are listed below. To join, you can contact the Group Chairs listed for each group. You can find email addresses by consulting the downloadable document (Link below) with Interest Group information. Alternatively, you can fill out an interest group form to indicate the groups you are interested in, and the chairs of those groups will contact you. Please remember that you need to be a UWC member with dues paid to join an interest group or continue as a member. Dues must be paid by October 15.
New groups are welcome. If you have an idea for a new group, please contact Interest Groups coordinator Helen Hooper (720-778-6124). To form a new group, you will need five members including a group chairperson. To start a new book group, please contact Kathy Randall (303-530-1095).
Interest Groups Information
Link here to printed version that includes chair email addresses

Bicycling – Meets every Thursday from May through October;
Chairs: Betsy Barrett (602-677-4627), Gail Smith (303-960-5004).
Book Group – Biographies – Third Thursday 1:30 pm;
Gina Cook (630-862-5707).
Book Group – Evening – second Thursday 3:00 pm on ZOOM
Chairs: Judy Reid, (303-440-6040 ), Linda Toomre (303-818-5550).
Garden Group – third Wednesdays (meetings will resume in the spring)
Jyotsna Raj (303-447-8831); Jean Rohrschneider (720-542-9788).
Golfing – New Members Welcome;
Susan Planck (303-499-3916).
Italian Conversation – Wednesday 1:30-2:30 pm on ZOOM
Maxine Wilson (303-530-4619).
On the Road Again – taking virtual road trips until in-person meetings can be resumed
Kathy Randall (303-530-1095).
Out to Lunch – 4th Wednesday on Zoom at noon
Chairs: Jyotsna Raj (303-447-8831) and Jean Rohrschneider (720-542-9788).

Reader’s Theater 2 – 3rd Monday 4:00 p.m. on Zoom
Patty Ludke (303-817-1020); Kathy Randall (303-746-4528).
Spanish Conversation Advanced – Contact chair for details
Diana King (303-530-1860).
Spanish Learners Beginners and Intermediates – Contact chairs for details
Jane Chicoine (3720-328-8590); Carol Cech (303-499-4843).
Sunday Afternoon at the Movies – 2nd Sunday meeting on Zoom.
Diane Thoms; Kathleen Peterson (303-579-8652)
Groups that are on Hiatus until in-person meetings can be resumed:
- Bycycling – Easy Riders, Mary Greenwald
- Bridge on Wednesday – Ginnie Ross
- French Conversation – All Speaking Levels – Beth Karpf (303-862-7335).
- Hiking – Heidi Lynch, Frieda Holley
- Music – Carol Green
- Needlecraft – Ginnie Ross
- Snowshoeing – Mary Greenwald (new chair needed)
- Theater Goers – new chair needed
Groups that are full:
Book Group — Afternoon, Carol Saunders and Pat Phillipson
Book Group – The Bookies, Kathy Randall
Book Group Small – Fiction and Non-Fiction, Joyce Bograd
Book Group – Second Monday, Helen Hooper
French Conversation, Dot Thompson
Readers’ Theatre 1, Jeannette Hillery
Zoom Happy Hour/Teatime Conversations – Tuesdays 4:00 p.m. on Zoom.
Kathy Randall (303-746-4528; meeting signup announcements will be sent to the UWC mailing list).
Photos from the Garden Group!
The Garden Group has met in person for the last two months, limiting attendance to 10 people. Our meeting in September was at the home of one of our members, Berry Todd and it was her birthday so we had cake! This is the last meeting of our group for the year, we will resume our meetings in April 2021, hopefully in person.
Jyotsna Raj, Co-Chair Garden Group
This is our second online MESSAGES.
We have some features that may make reading easier:
- You can increase or decrease text size to make reading more convenient – in MESSAGES and in the website overall – click on the red “person” icon at the right of the webpage to see a menu of accessibility options.
- Links mentioned in MESSAGES can be accessed just by clicking on them. This will take you to a new window with the new link. You can then easily return to your place in reading MESSAGES by clicking on the MESSAGES tab at the top of your browser.
We would love to hear from you! Are there things you would like to see in MESSAGES or sections you would like to see done differently? Please send feedback here!
Thank you, and happy reading!
Merry Bullock, MESSAGES Editor
President – Janet Brewer
President Elect -Tamera VanSpriell
Past President – Merry Bullock
Secretary & Secy Elect – Karen Bell
Treasurer & Treas. Elect – Kathy Herder
Communications – Betty Huff
Email/Directory – Berry Todd
Historian/Yearbook – Vacant
Honors Reception – Tamera VanSpriell
Interest Groups – Helen Hooper
Lecture Registration – Lynne Barnett
Margaret Willard Award – Kathleen Peterson
Membership – Karen Neff
MESSAGES – Merry Bullock
New Members – Kathy Terrill
Nominating Committee – Arlene Gerwin
Opera Brunch – Sandy Johnson
Parliamentarian – Frieda Holley
Program Chair – Norma Portnoy
Program Co-Chair – Sharon Nehls
Repository/Email Monitor – Lorna Yoder
Scholarship Committee – Marge Riddle
Scholarship Luncheon – Mary Pierce
Telephone Tree – Helen Hooper
Website – Joyce Spencer
06 Tuesday – Board Meeting 10:30 a.m.
10 Saturday – Messages Deadline
13 Tuesday – Lecture Webinar 11:00 a.m.
03 Tuesday – Board Meeting 110:30 a.m.
08 Sunday – New Members Wine and Cheese Event, TBA
10 Tuesday – Messages Deadline
10 Tuesday – Lecture Webinar, 11:00 a.m.
10 Thursday – Messages Deadline (Dec/Jan Issue)
05 Tuesday – Board Meeting 10:30 a.m.
10 Sunday – Messages Deadline
Date TBD – Lecture Webinar, 11:00 a.m.
02 Tuesday – Board Meeting 10:30 a.m.
10 Wednesday – Messages Deadline
TBA – Lecture Webinar, 11:00 a.m.
02 Tuesday – Board Meeting 10:30 a.m.
10 Wednesday – Messages Deadline
TBA – Opera Event; Lecture Webinar
06 Tuesday – Board Meeting 10:30 a.m.
10 Saturday – Messages Deadline
TBA – Annual Spring Scholarship Celebration; Honors Reception