MESSAGES November 2023

Membership Acknowledgements
- Membership Courtesy
- Members in Memoriam
Opera Brunch
Interest Groups
Executive Board
Calendar for 2023-4
Upcoming UWC Events in November
Upcoming UWC Events in November
TUESDAY, 7 November 2023 – Lecture Luncheon #2: Devin Patrick Hughes – The Conductor’s Relationship with the Music, Orchestra, and Audience –University Memorial Center (UMC), Rm 235, 10:30 a.m. Registration Closed.
TUESDAY, 14 November, 10:30 a.m. on ZOOM – Online Webinar: Choices and Guidelines for Aging and End of Life.
Hi UWC Members,
As I write this letter, thinking about the Novembers of my past, I think of deep fall. I love the fall colors, the golden sunflowers, orange, red, yellow, green and even brown leaves altogether. The chilly air that not too long ago was oppressively hot. I think of bonfires and s’mores. I’m old enough to remember raking the leaves into a giant pile, playing in them, and then lighting them on fire. Even after escaping three significant fires, it’s still one of my favorite smells.
November will bring special events to UWC. We will be having another wonderful lecture lunch as well as a webinar on preparing for end-of-life. Our interest groups are in full swing and giving us new activities and new friendships. I hope you’re all taking advantage of these opportunities to enrich your lives.
One thing we know is that this is a sweet time of life and a time to be grateful for good friends and fun together. Our October lecture on happiness and last year’s lecture on staving off Alzheimer’s Disease have taught us that engaging in activities and relationships are the keys to keeping our minds and bodies active. Our UWC programing and friendships can go a long way in helping us maintain the quality of life we all want. An added bonus is that your dues and registrations help to change the lives of those in need of a second chance in pursuing university degrees through the scholarships we offer. What an incredible gift to all of us!
I know that I am grateful to all of you, especially my awesome President-Elect Anne Hudson. Anne, I want to publicly thank you for taking up the mantel of the Presidency during my trip to Uruguay. I know that thanks to you and our amazing Board, business and activities have continued without a hitch.
I wish you all a magnificent Thanksgiving filled with love and gratitude.
Until next time,
Andie Kutinsky
2023-2024 UWC President
November is UWC Membership Month
November is the month we publish the UWC Membership Directory – coming straight to your email inbox. This year we are sending you the directory in two ways – as a print version, and as a PDF in book style. We hope that you use this resource fo reach out to those UWC members you meet or want to meet.
November is also the last month to receive UWC MESSAGES if you have not rejoined UWC this year. Regular reminders are sent to those who have NOT joined the 300 members who have renewed to date.
If you have any questions regarding UWC Membership, please email Merry Bullock, Membership Chair at
Lecture Luncheons
Lecture Luncheon #2 – TUESDAY November 7, 2023 – UMC 235
, 10:30 a.m.
Devin Patrick Hughes – The Conductor’s Relationship with the Music, Orchestra, and Audience
Devin Patrick Hughes is Music Director and Conductor of the Boulder Symphony and Arapahoe Philharmonic.
Lecture Luncheon #3 – TUESDAY January 9, 2024 – UMC 235, 10:30 a.m.
Casey Fiesler – Issues with Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Associate CU Professor Casey Fiesler researches and teaches in the areas of technology ethics, internet law and policy, and online communities.
Read more and register for Lecture Luncheon 3 here. Registration Deadline is December 20
Lecture Luncheon #4 – TUESDAY, February 13, 2024 – UMC 235, 10:30 a.m.
Gerry Hudson – The Russian-Ukraine War: Two Years Later
Gerry Hudson is retired as Professor of Political Science and Director and founder of the Russian and Central Eurasian Studies Program at Wittenberg University.
Read more and register for Lecture Luncheon 4 here. Registration deadline is January 27, 2024.
Lecture Luncheon #5 – TUESDAY March 19, 2024 – UMC 235, 10:30 a.m.
Rebecca Cox – Sleep, Insomnia, and Aging
Dr. Rebecca Cox completed her PhD in clinical psychology at Vanderbilt University, where she studied sleep disturbance in anxiety-related disorders.
Read more and register for Lecture Luncheon 5 here. Registration Deadline is March 2, 2024
Happy Hour/Tea Time Conversations via ZOOM
Happy Hour/Tea Time Conversations – a great way to get to know new UWC members, and a great way get to know old friends better. We meet via Zoom for about 50 minutes to an hour on the third Tuesday starting at 4:00 p.m. Contact Kathy Randall (katherineran at gmail dot com) to reserve a spot for any conversation or to sign up for automatic inclusion for the UWC year. With automatic inclusion you will always get the Zoom invitation, but you are not required to come.
November 21 – We’ll talk about old friends – early friends from way back who are still friends or perhaps an early friend who you have lost track of but wish you had not.
Save the Date! UWC Online Webinar November 14
Mark your calendar and register below for this free and valuable webinar to be held on November 14 at 10:30 a.m. until noon.
- November 14 – Online Webinar: Choices and Guidelines or Aging and End of Life.
Registration (no charge)

It’s never too soon … but it could be too late!
Don’t leave your loved ones burdened by not knowing what you want, or worse, leave the medical establishment to make decisions for you.
For many of us, talking about aging, end of life, and post-death is difficult at best. Although our culture teaches us to be death avoidant, the truth is that we each have many choices we can make that will make our end of life more comfortable for us and for our loved ones.
Ever wonder if you know all of the choices you have at the end of life?
Ever wonder what Advance Directives are the most essential to make sure that your wishes are carried out?

Join us for a fascinating webinar — everything you need to know about the choices you have as you age, your dying, and after death. The presentation will provide information and guidance, answering questions such as:
- Which are the most important Advance Directives to have, and why?
- What documents should I gather to help my loved ones after my death?
- Do I have any legal choices about when I die? (Yes.)
- What choices do I have for how my body will be well cared for after my death? (Including Water Cremation and Whole Body Composting)
- What choices do I or my loved ones have when dealing with a funeral home?
A New Meet-up Group is ACTIVE
Have you ever wanted to attend an event but just didn’t want to go alone?
We have developed a new category for get-togethers. This will not be considered an interest group, but it will be an opportunity to share an afternoon or evening out with like-minded friends (new or old). Examples of possible events are theater or symphony performances, a trip to Sante Fe, a sporting event or outdoor activity. The possibilities are endless, however, there will be no chair or prescheduled events. Members of the UWC Meet-up Group propose their own events. Expressing interest in this group does require that you sign-up to indicate that you are willing to receive emails from other UWC members seeking companions to attend events together.
Here’s how it works.
If you want to attend a particular performance and if you have signed up to participate in the UWC Meet-up Group, you would send an email to others using the new meetup email address asking if anyone has interest in joining you. The request is automatically sent to all meet up members. You make your plans directly with the responders, using your own telephone numbers, text, or email addresses. It will be easy and a good way to meet other UWC members.
Contact Betty Barnes to be added as a meetup member and/or to ask questions about the procedure. Contact her at Barnes-betty at (the @ is intentionally replaced to avoid website scammers). Or you can call or text Betty at 512-657-6584
REMEMBER: you must sign up to participate in this new group.
Message from the Scholarship Chair
Fall is here and the 2023-24 academic year is well underway. The new scholarship cycle is also beginning this month and students start submitting their scholarship applications in the hope of one day getting the exciting news they have been awarded one. Our UWC Scholarships are granted to non-traditional students, who are at least 24 years of age and have had some interruption in their college careers.
A quick glance back at the brief bios of previous recipients posted on our website will make members aware of the daunting obstacles so many of our recipients have faced, the great determination they have shown in confronting these difficulties as well as the enormous gratitude they express at receiving one of our scholarships. Members should also note how often recipients’ future plans involve some form of “giving back” to help make the world a better place than many of them found it.
So, before we all become wrapped up in the “busyness” of our own holiday celebrations, I want to encourage our members – old and new – to make an extra donation, which is so easy to do! Just go to the Scholarship link where you can easily make an online donation.
And while at the website, take the time before the rush (and spending) of the holiday season to learn about how to add to that donation, without ANY additional cost to you! You can enroll in the King Soopers and Safeway charitable rewards programs. Once signed up, whenever you buy your groceries at these stores, they will donate 5% of what you spend to the UWC. What a painless and efficient way to add a contribution to UWC during this busy time of the year when so many of us have large grocery orders!
Marge Riddle
UWC Scholarship Chair
Scholarship Donations (September, 2023)
Rebecca Batiz
Joan Cardone
Julianne Cassady
Margot Crowe
Mary Ann Dangelo
Karen de Bartolome
Karen Diamond
Catherine Ertz
Tina Facteau
Constance Frank
Mary Ann Hartigan
Ruth Harvey
Ellen Holland
Anne Hudson
Barbara Huff
Linda Hultman
Dita Zapata Hutchinson
Pat Irwin
Deborah Janeczko
Susannah Jordan
Rory Laiho
Heidi Lynch
Diana Maiden
Jean Manifesto
Jane Massie
Mary McClanahan
Martha McHutchison
Barbara R. Miller
Linda Nordberg
Janet Nuzum
Patricia Phillipson
Mary Pierce
Carol Ponton
Judy Reid
Judy Richtel
Rita Riis
Jean Roche
Jean Rohrschneider
Rebecca Roser
Virginia (Ginnie) Ross
Carol Saunders
Nancy Schwiesow
Yael Sears
Zdenka Smith
Janet Thompson
Judith Thompson
Pat Thompson
Helen Williams
Maxene Wilson
Nurit Wolf
Christine Zanoni
DID YOU KNOW? – October
Thanksgiving Day: History and Controversy
In 1621, the Plymouth colonists from England and the Native American Wampanoag people shared an autumn harvest feast that is one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies. For more than two centuries, days of thanksgiving were celebrated by individual colonies and states. It wasn’t until 1863, in the midst of the Civil War that President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day to be held each November. (
Minor Actors in the Evolution of Thanksgiving Day
- Squanto, a member of the Pawtuxet tribe, taught the Pilgrims, weakened by malnutrition and illness, how to cultivate corn, extract sap from maple trees, catch fish in the rivers and avoid poisonous plants. He also helped the settlers forge an alliance with the Wampanoag tribe which endured for more than 50 years.
- Sarah Josepha Hale, a noted magazine editor and author (Mary Had a Little Lamb), launched a campaign in 1827 to establish Thanksgiving as a national holiday. It took 36 years of promoting this idea through numerous editorials and letters sent to government officials before Abraham Lincoln finally heeded her request in 1863 at the height of the Civil War in a proclamation to all Americans to ‘heal the wounds of the nation.’ He proclaimed the final Thursday in November to be a national day of thanksgiving.
Colorado Women’s Suffrage: Historical Fact
It bears repeating that on October 2,1877, Colorado women’s suffrage lost the first popular vote. It would take another 16 years for equal suffrage to be voted through on November 7, 1893. This was 27 years before the matter was resolved nationally by the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which was ratified in 1920.
Although this represented a great win for most women in Colorado, many Native American women were not given the right to vote until 1970, and for members of the Ute tribe, well into the 1990s.
What’s Happening at CU?
It’s Not Too Early to Buy Tickets for CU Boulder’s popular Holiday Festival to be held December 8-10, 2023. Be immersed in the comfort and joy of twinkling lights, seasonal greenery and beautiful music at CU Boulder’s Holiday Festival, an enchanting annual tradition.
For Information and to buy tickets, See Here
Faculty Tuesdays – free concerts hosted by the College of Music.
Call for Nominations
Margaret Willard Award
Do you know an outstanding woman in the Boulder community?
The University Women’s Club is soliciting nominations for the Margaret Willard award for 2021. The award, named after the first president of the women’s club, is presented annually to a woman who has enhanced the quality of life for women in Boulder and/or on the CU Boulder Campus, is an exceptional role model, and has brought honor to all women through her accomplishments.
Nominees may be connected to CU Boulder in some way or be members of the Boulder Community. There are hundreds of women who fit these criteria. Look around and find that special woman and then nominate her so we can celebrate her while honoring Margaret Willard.
To make a nomination please see the nomination information online.
Calling for Nominations for the UWC 2024 President-Elect, Secretary-Elect and Treasurer-Elect
The “elect” positions serve the following year (2025-26) as the President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Here is a brief description of each position:
- President: Serves as the UWC figurehead and provides overall executive leadership. Chairs the Executive Board and provides supportive leadership to Board decisions and Board members.
- Secretary: Attends and takes minutes at all Executive Board Meetings and General Membership Meetings.
- Treasurer: Responsible for the oversight, management and reporting of UWC finances including bank account maintenance, financial transaction oversight, budget development, monthly financial reporting and all tax filings. (it’s not necessary to be a CPA for this role, but a good bookkeeper with Excel and Quick Books experience is ideal.)
In addition to attending board meetings next year, the elect positions provide the opportunity to become familiar with the tasks of the executive positions as well as being available as back-up if needed.
If you would like to be considered for one of the “elect” positions or can recommend someone, please contact Andie Kutinsky, Anne Hudson or Janet Brewer who make up the Nominating Committee. If you are interested in reading the complete job description of the above positions, please contact Andie Kutinsky, Nominating Committee Chair.
Save the Date – Opera Brunch in 2024
March 17, 2024—11:30 a.m. brunch, 2:00 p.m. Titanic Musical to be performed in Macky Auditorium.
Please save the date to join the University Women’s Club to view the musical, Titanic, preceded by a special gourmet brunch and a lecture on the making of the musical presented by Maestro Carthy who will be conducting the performance. The brunch will take place in the Aspen Room in the University Memorial Center (UMC), CU Boulder. After our brunch and lecture, we will reconvene in Macky Auditorium to be treated to Titanic, the musical.
We will embark on a thrilling musical journey of epic romance, courage, and destiny. Stunning music and performances will tell the tragic tale of the world’s most famous shipwreck. The musical, Titanic, opened on Broadway on April 23, 1997. It won 5 Tony Awards, including Best Musical and ran for over 800 performances. Despite having opened the same year as the epic movie of the same name, the two are not related. The musical, Titanic, is based on the story and book by Peter Stone with music and lyrics by Maury Yeston. Titanic, the musical is a collaborative presentation by the CU Boulder College of Music’s Musical Theatre and the Eklund Opera Program.
For more information, please contact Sandy Johnson at the UWC email, or call 732-322-8695. Sign up forms for the brunch and the musical will be available online in December.
Sandy Johnson
Opera Brunch, chair
Member Acknowledgement
Membership Courtesy
If you know of a member who would appreciate a card, note, or any personal contact due to illness, death, or other reasons for support, please inform UWC at with “Acknowledgements Chair” in the subject line.
Members in Memoriam
As information to members, and to remember those who have passed away, UWC includes an “in Memoriam” section on the website. This section will honor those UWC members who have passed away in the current year. If you are aware of UWC members who have left us, please let Joyce Spencer, webmaster, (jjandbobs at msn dot com) know the member’s name.
Interest Group News
Let’s Go See a Play Together!
As many of you know, UWC has had a functioning Theater-Goers Interest Group in the past, but it has recently been on hiatus.We are now working toward a newly reconstituted group!
Cindy Meyer, the acting chair of the UWC Theater-Goers, is organizing a group outing to the regional premier of Coal Country offered by the Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company (BETC) at the Dairy Arts Center on Sunday, November 5 at 2:00 p.m. Following the production attendees could gather in the Dairy lobby for drinks and post-show conversation.
To purchase tickets, contact the Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company at or call 303-351-2382. Mention our special code (UWC23) to receive a seat assignment with our group as well as a $5.00 discount off the $38 ticket price.
Hope to see many of you at this first event of the UWC Theatre-Goers Interest Group!
Cindy Meyer, 713-256-9185
Scenes from Interest Group meetings

Send your interest group photos for inclusion in next month’s MESSAGES – send to MESSAGES editor Tamera Van Spriell at

Interest Groups Information
Bicycling – Meets weekly on Thursdays from May through October. Chairs: Gail Smith 303-960-5004; Susan Lee 303-974-8969. We start with a couple of shorter rides and work up to around 20+ miles each ride. We have a couple of levels of riders, but faster riders will wait until all riders catch up. Electric bikes are welcome.
Bicycling – Easy Riders – Meets sporadically on Tuesdays. Contact chair for details. Chair: Dorothy Coltrin 720-527-4704.
Book Group – Afternoon – Fourth Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. at members’ homes or on ZOOM. Vaccinations required. Chairs: Mary Clough 303-522-8692; Lois Linsky 303-499-2689.
Book Group – Biographies – Third Friday at 3:00 p.m., in person. Chair: Eunice Wilkinson, 303-956-9675.
Book Group – The Original Book Group – Formerly Evening – Second Thursday at 2:45 p.m. Meetings may be held outside when weather permits. Up-to-date vaccinations are required for indoor meetings, masks are optional. Chairs: Kathleen Salzberg 303-499-3128; Ellen Gille 720-836-2365. This group has been meeting continuously since the 1950s.
Bridge Group – Chair: Karen Neff 303-494-0467; also seeking beginner players to start a new Beginners’ Group.
French Conversation – All Speaking Levels – Dates and times to be determined. Chair: Zdenka Smith 303-330-2856.
French Conversation Group 1 – Every Wednesday year round at 1:30 pm. Includes 8 sessions per semester with a paid native speaker. Limited openings. Contact chair for details. Chair: Dot Thompson, thompsondot at hotmail dot com.
Garden Group – Third Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. Chairs: Jyotsna Raj 303-447-8831; Jean Rohrschneider 720-542-9788.
Golfing – For the Casual Golfer – 1:00 p.m. every Thursday at various golf courses, new members welcome. Chair: Susan Planck 303-499-3916.
Hiking and Strolling – Every Friday 9:00 a.m. September – May; 8:30 a.m. June – August. Meet at southern end of the east side of covered parking lot opposite the lower-level east entrance to the former Macy’s – Chairs: Joan (Joanie) Cardone 303-263-7823; Frieda Holley 303-499-3733.
Italian Conversation – Wednesday, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. on Zoom. Chair: Maxene Wilson 303-530-4619.
Music – Second Monday afternoon of most months in members’ homes, providing a venue for musical performers to meet and share their love of music in an intimate setting. Chairs: Judy Owens 720-562-8064; Carol Green 802-363-1868.
Needlecraft – Third Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. Chair: Ginnie Ross.
On the Road Again – Occasional in person road trips. Chair: Kathy Randall 303-746-4528.
Out to Lunch – Usually Fourth Wednesday, at noon at various local restaurants. Chairs: Jean Rohrschneider 720-542-9788; Jyotsna Raj 303-447-8831.
Readers’ Theater 2 – Third Monday 4:00 p.m. at the main Boulder Library. Chairs: Patty Ludke 303-817-1020; Kathy Randall 303-746-4528.
Spanish Conversation Advanced – Contact chair for details. Chair: Diana King 303-530-1860.
Sunday Afternoon at the Movies – Usually second Sunday, to see movies at a theater in Boulder or nearby theater. Chairs: Sharon Nehls 303-494-5778; Carmen Caver 803-606-5619.
Groups that are on hiatus
- Theater Goers, New Chair needed. Contact Linda Nordberg, Interest Group Coordinator if interested. Call 978-314-9987.
Groups that are at capacity
- Book Group – The Bookies – Kathy Randall 303-746-4528.
- Book Group Small – Fiction and Non-Fiction, Joyce Bograd.
- Book Group – Second Monday, Janet Evans.
- Book Group – Mysteries, Betty Barnes.
- Bridge Group Intermediate level – First Wednesday Chair: Karen Neff
Games Group – It’s Anyone’s Game – Second Wednesday Chair: Kathleen Newton
To start a new interest group requires at least five members including a chairperson.
If you are interested in starting a new group please contact the Interest Group Coordinator for more information: Linda Nordberg Interest Group Coordinator, 978-314-9987.
To form a new book group, contact Kathy Randall, 303-746-4528.
President – Andie Kutinsky
President Elect – Anne Hudson
Past President – Norma Portnoy
Secretary – Kathleen Salzberg
Secretary Elect – Sharon Nehls
Treasurer & Treasurer Elect – Frieda Holley
Board Members
Acknowledgments Co-Chairs
For Tax Purposes – Merry Bullock (all donations); Frieda Holley (large donations)
For Personal Notes – Sharon Nehls
Advisory/Parliamentarian – Frieda Holley
Archives Chair – Karen Neff
Email/Communications – Berry Todd
Honors Reception – tba
Interest Groups Chair – Linda Nordberg
Margaret Willard Award Chair – Andie Kutinsky
Membership Chair – Merry Bullock
Membership Coffee – Lynne Barnett
Compilation of Conent – Tam Van Spriell
Copy Edit Review – Kathleen Salzberg
Technical Wizardry – Merry Bullock
New Members Chair – Anne Hudson
Nominating Committee – Andie Kutinsky, Anne Hudson, Janet Brewer
Opera Brunch – Sandy Johnson
Photography – Anne Hudson
Chair – Sharon Nehls
UMC Liaison – Tam Van Spriell
Registration – Lynne Barnett
Scholarship Committee Chair – Marge Riddle
Scholarship Luncheon – Jonette Lucia
Website – Joyce Spencer
Zoom Master – Merry Bullock, Lynne Barnett
Non-Board Positions
Document Repository – Frieda Holley
Zoom Scheduler – Kathy Randall
UWC Calendar 2023-2024
TUESDAY, 7 November 2023 – Lecture Luncheon #2: Devin Patrick Hughes – The Conductor’s Relationship with the Music, Orchestra, and Audience –University Memorial Center (UMC), Rm 235, 10:30 a.m.
TUESDAY, 14 November, 10:30 a.m. on ZOOM – Webinar: Choices and Guidelines for Aging and End of Life
Happy Holidays!
January, 2024
TUESDAY, 9 January 2024 – Lecture Luncheon #3: Prof. Casey Fiesler –Issues with Artificial Intelligence (AI) – University Memorial Center (UMC), Rm 235
TUESDAY, 13 February 2024 – Lecture Luncheon #4: Gerry Hudson, PhD – The Russian-Ukraine War: Two Years Later – University Memorial Center (UMC), Rm 235
SUNDAY, 17 March 2024 – Opera Brunch – The Titanic
TUESDAY, 19 March 2024 – Lecture Luncheon #5 – Rebecca Cox, PhD – Sleep, Insomnia, and Aging – University Memorial Center (UMC), Rm 235
TUESDAY 16 April 2024 – Scholarship Luncheon – Boulder Country Club
TUESDAY, 21 May 2024 – Honors Reception – University Memorial Center (UMC) South Terrace Tent