MESSAGES October 2023

Support Through Shopping
Membership Acknowledgements
- Membership Courtesy
- Members in Memoriam
Membership Coffee: A Story in Picture
Interest Groups
Executive Board
Calendar for 2023-4
Upcoming UWC Events in October
- October 6 – Lecture Luncheon, UMC Aspen Room. Doors open 10:30, Lecture at 11:00, Lunch at 12:00 (Registration is closed)
- October 21 – Registration Deadline for the November Lecture Luncheon


Hi UWC Members –
I’ll bet you’re wondering why my October Newsletter includes a picture of Montevideo, Uruguay, and a flag of that country. I’m showing you this because some of you may not know that my husband is a native Uruguayan and October is the month we typically go to visit his family in Montevideo.
For those of you who may not know much about Uruguay, it is a small country, about the size of Washington State, tucked between Argentina and Brazil along the coast of South America. Unlike many South American countries, it did not have a huge native population initially (although there are some). Instead, it was settled primarily by Spaniards and Italians. Because of that, it is a very European place filled with coastal cities and beautiful beaches. They have wineries (their wines are like the Argentinean wines), cattle ranches (they export a lot of beef) and a lot of tourism. You will often hear of the ‘rich and famous’ vacationing in Punte Del Este. If any of you are fans of European Soccer (futbol), many of the best players in the world are Uruguayan. They are very proud of that. It is south of the equator, so it will be early spring when we go there, which means it will likely be a little chilly and windy. I’ll try to send pictures.
Meanwhile, our awesome President Elect, Anne Hudson, will be presiding over first lecture lunch and be available for whatever might come up while I’m gone.
I hope you’ve seen all the email blasts concerning our first Lecture Luncheon on October 6. Dr. June Gruber is an Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Colorado and Director of the Positive Emotion and Psychopathology Laboratory. She’ll be teaching us about the Science of Happiness. I hate to miss it.
One of our newer members, Betty Barnes, came up with a wonderful idea concerning a new kind of interest group. We are calling it a ‘Cultural Meet-Up’ group. It’s a group of UWC women who might like to attend a play, concert, theater presentation, etc. A member of this group will just contact the other members to see if there might be someone who’d like to join. There is no leader; anyone in the group can choose the event. We’re excited to offer yet another way for all of us to get together and get to know one another. As always, just go to and find something of interest to you.
Remember to please seek me out when you see me. I’d really like to get to know you all.
See you in November.
Andie Kutinsky
2023-2024 UWC President
UWC Membership – You have renewed – Now What?
Did you know? UWC membership is on track to be 350 strong this year! More than 2/3 of our members have renewed for 2023-24 (we hope you are in the “paid” group – if not join it now by clicking here ).
Now that you have renewed, we hope you will take full advantage of UWC membership – attending Lecture Luncheons, but also joining interest groups where you will be able meet and talk with other members in an atmosphere more conducive to one of UWC’s goals – being a platform for friendship and interaction among its members.
This year there are more interest groups than ever – find the one or ones that appeal to you and sign up!
And while you are at it –
Tell us the names of friends to invite to UWC Membership– email names and email addresses to and we will send them an invitation to join!
UWC Membership brings you so many benefits. We are excited that almost all UWC events will be held in person!
- September Membership Coffee/Tea
- Five lecture luncheons beginning in October
- ZOOM webinar on preparing for death of ourselves and loved ones
- Happy Hour/Tea Time Conversations via Zoom
- Opera Event
- Scholarship Luncheon
- Honors Reception
- UWC Membership Directory
- Interest Group activities
- MESSAGES newsletter to keep you informed of all the UWC activities.
If you have any questions regarding UWC Membership, please email Merry Bullock, Membership Chair at
Lecture Luncheons
Lecture Luncheon #1 – FRIDAY October 6, 2023 – UMC Aspen Room, 10:30 a.m.
June Gruber – Discovering the Science of Happiness
Dr. June Gruber is an Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Colorado and Director of the Positive Emotion and Psychopathology Laboratory.
The deadline for registration for this luncheon has passed. Please note deadlines for the upcoming luncheons/
Lecture Luncheon #2 – TUESDAY November 7, 2023 – UMC 235
, 10:30 a.m.
Devin Patrick Hughes – The Conductor’s Relationship with the Music, Orchestra, and Audience
Devin Patrick Hughes is Music Director and Conductor of the Boulder Symphony and Arapahoe Philharmonic.
Read more and register for Lecture Luncheon 2 here. – Registration deadline October 21!
Lecture Luncheon #3 – TUESDAY January 9, 2024 – UMC 235, 10:30 a.m.
Casey Fiesler – Issues with Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Associate CU Professor Casey Fiesler researches and teaches in the areas of technology ethics, internet law and policy, and online communities.
Read more and register for Lecture Luncheon 3 here.
Lecture Luncheon #4 – TUESDAY, February 13, 2024 – UMC 235, 10:30 a.m.
Gerry Hudson – The Russian-Ukraine War: Two Years Later
Gerry Hudson is retired as Professor of Political Science and Director and founder of the Russian and Central Eurasian Studies Program at Wittenberg University.
Read more and register for Lecture Luncheon 4 here.
Lecture Luncheon #5 – TUESDAY March 19, 2024 – UMC 235, 10:30 a.m.
Rebecca Cox – Sleep, Insomnia, and Aging
Dr. Rebecca Cox completed her PhD in clinical psychology at Vanderbilt University, where she studied sleep disturbance in anxiety-related disorders.
Read more and register for Lecture Luncheon 5 here.
Happy Hour/Tea Time Conversations via ZOOM
After our summer hiatus, have resumed our Happy Hour/Tea Time Conversations. It is a great way to get to know new UWC members, and a great way get to know old friends better. We will continue to meet via Zoom for 50 minutes to an hour. The invitation goes out to signed up individuals the day of the meeting. We will meet every third Tuesday at 4:00.
Contact Kathy Randall (katherineran at gmail dot com) to reserve a spot for the conversation or to sign up for automatic inclusion for the UWC year.
Topics Coming Up (sometimes we’re serious, sometimes silly, sometimes informative; always interesting!)
October 17, 2023: Tell us something that you know that not everybody knows. Example: You know the very best way to get ice off your sidewalk; you know exactly what should, and should not, go into your recycling or compost; you know some obscure fact that you find interesting or weird. Serious or frivolous. Something you wish EVERYONE knew, or something that makes no difference at all.
A New Meet-up Group is Born
Have you ever wanted to attend an event but just didn’t want to go alone? Betty Barnes is developing a new category for get-togethers. This will not be considered an interest group, but it will be an opportunity to share an afternoon or evening out with like-minded friends (new or old). Examples of possible events are theater or symphony performances, a trip to Sante Fe, a sporting event or outdoor activity. The possibilities are endless, however, there will be no chair or prescheduled events. Members of the UWC Meet-up Group propose their own events. Expressing interest in this group does require that you sign-up to indicate that you are willing to receive emails from other UWC members seeking companions to attend events together.
Here’s how it is projected to work. If you want to attend a particular performance and if you have signed up to participate in the UWC Meet-up Group, you would send an email to others on the list soliciting interest and then ultimately make your plans directly with the responders, using your own telephone numbers, text, or email addresses. It will be easy and a good way to meet other UWC members.
Betty Barnes will manage the email list and answer questions about the procedure. Interested parties will be notified as soon as names and contact information are available.
REMEMBER: you must sign up to participate in this new group.
Contact: Betty Barnes –Barnes-betty at att dot net
Save the Date! UWC Webinar November 14
- November 14 – Webinar: Choices and Guidelines or Aging and End of Life. Time 10:30 a.m. – noon, with questions and answers following. Registration (no charge):
Join us for a fascinating webinar — everything you need to know about the choices you have as you age, your dying, and after death.
Ever wonder if you know the choices you have at the end of life?
Ever wonder what Advance Directives are the most essential to make sure that your wishes are carried out?
Don’t leave your loved ones burdened by not knowing what you want, or worse, leave the medical establishment to make decisions for you.
Our speakers are Leanne Abdnor, MSW, grief counselor and certified Death Doula, and Stephanie Schacht, Attorney, specializing in Wills, Estates, & Trusts and Certified Death Doula.
A recording of the webinar will be available on the UWC website or those who are not able to join on November 14.
Message from the Scholarship Chair
It is Fall, students have returned to CU, and many new UWC members attended the Membership Coffee, where they learned about the many opportunities UWC provides for developing new friendships and engaging in a wide range of activities. This is also the time that we are kicking off our 2023-24 scholarship funding cycle. Over the years, so many members have found that a very important additional benefit of UWC membership is the opportunity to participate in another of the core missions of the UWC – that of providing scholarships to nontraditional students. These are students, at least 24 years of age, who are returning to college after a break in their education, and who have typically experienced very difficult life circumstances.
Let me encourage members, old and new, to read the brief bios of our Scholarship recipients from the last two years that are posted on our website. Reviewing these bios will provide a sense of how important these Scholarships are in the lives of these dedicated and talented students. I cannot say it better than one of our former recipients, when she said, “With this Scholarship you are changing lives like mine…. You have inspired me, motivated me and given me a push to keep going…and believe that it is worth it to dream big.”
So let us push ourselves, keep going, and dream big, and aim to meet or exceed the record donations we had last year!
Marge Riddle
UWC Scholarship Chair
Scholarship Donations (August, 2023)
Dana Albright
Betty Barnes
Heather Beadle
Elizabeth Black
Carmen Caver
Dorothy Cohen
Amy Cox
Inge Peate Engdahl
Janet Evans
Linda Fulton
Carol Green
Louise Hutchings
Cindy Jacobson
Jane Laughlin
Ann McBryan
Gail Moyes
Judy Owens
Susan Prentiss
Nancy Rueckert
Pamela Swenerton
Sherry Woodruff
DID YOU KNOW? – October
October with its palette of crimson and gold is not only a month to stimulate our visual senses, but there is a plethora of interesting activities to entice us to enjoy fall on the University of Colorado Boulder campus and beyond.
What’s Happening at the Fiske Planetarium?
- Double Feature: Black Holes & Solar Superstorms
Sunday, October 15 at 1:00 p.m. - Stars & Galaxies
Sunday, October 15 at 2:30 p.m.
Music in the Air
- When You Wish Upon a Star: A Jazz Tribute to 100 Years of Disney
Friday, October 6, 7:30 p.m.
Macky Auditorium - Falstaff: An opera by Giuseppe Verdi
October 27, 7:30 p.m.
Macky Auditorium
Verdi’s joyous opera celebrates life, love and laughter. Based on Shakespeare’s comedy “The Merry Wives of Windsor,” Sung in Italian with English supertitles.
Save 15-20% with season tickets, available in the Choice Option. Single ticket discounts available for groups (10+), seniors (65+), youth (K-12) and CU Boulder faculty, staff and students.
- Faculty Tuesdays – free concerts hosted by the College of Music.
Presidential adviser, author David Gergen to speak at CU
David Gergen, political commentator, author and adviser to four U.S. presidents from both parties, will speak in Macky Auditorium on Monday, Oct. 2, at 7:30 p.m. The talk is part of the CU Center for Leadership’s Leo Hill Leadership Speaker Series. Tickets are required and will be $3 for students, $8 for faculty and staff and $25 for the general public. Tickets are available here.
World Perspective
World Mental Health Day 2023
Mental Health is a Universal Human Right
The World Health Organization recognizes World Mental Health Day on 10 October each year. The theme of 2023’s World Mental Health Day, set by the World Federation for Mental Health, is ‘Mental health is a universal human right.’
- Facts to ponder:
- Globally, one in four people will need mental health care in their lives
- More than 43 million Americans battle with mental health issues.
- Depression among youth has risen since 2012.
- Most Americans lack access to proper healthcare treatment.
Margaret Willard Award
Call for Nominations
Do you know an outstanding woman in the Boulder community?
The University Women’s Club is soliciting nominations for the Margaret Willard award for 2021. The award, named after the first president of the women’s club, is presented annually to a woman who has enhanced the quality of life for women in Boulder and/or on the CU Boulder Campus, is an exceptional role model, and has brought honor to all women through her accomplishments.
Nominees may be connected to CU Boulder in some way or be members of the Boulder Community. There are hundreds of women who fit these criteria. Look around and find that special woman and then nominate her so we can celebrate her while honoring Margaret Willard.
To make a nomination please see the nomination information online.
Support UWC Through Shopping
If you shop at King Soopers, Safeway, or Albertson’s, you can easily participate in their community award programs, and 5% of your purchases will be donated to UWC to support our scholarships…AT NO COST TO YOU! You can really make a difference.
With the King Soopers Community Rewards program, you can go online one time and link your King Soopers Loyalty Card to the UWC Account. UWC will automatically get 5% without your having to do anything else. Directions for signing up can be found here
If you shop at Safeway and/or Albertsons, you can use a Safeway Community Giving Card when making your purchases and UWC will earn 5% every time you reload your card.
Please click here for instructions regarding both programs.
To request a Safeway Card be mailed to you or to seek assistance to register for these program, contact Board Member, Norma Portnoy at normaportnoy1112 at gmail – dot – com.
Thank you for participating in these programs to support our scholarships!
Member Acknowledgement
Membership Courtesy
If you know of a member who would appreciate a card, note, or any personal contact due to illness, death, or other reasons for support, please inform UWC at with “Acknowledgements Chair” in the subject line.
Members in Memoriam
As information to members, and to remember those who have passed away, UWC includes an “in Memoriam” section on the website. This section will honor those UWC members who have passed away in the current year. If you are aware of UWC members who have left us, please let Joyce Spencer, webmaster, (jjandbobs at msn dot com) know the member’s name.
Membership Coffee – A Story in Pictures
The UWC Member Coffee, the inaugural event of the 2023-4 year, took place on a sunny morning in September. More than 120 women attended – a record number! What a great start to the year!
Interest Group News
Scenes from Interest Group meetings

Nine members of UWC saw “Golda” and went to BJ’s to discuss the film afterwards.

Bridge in September – three tables of good play!

On the Niwot Ridge Trail at Brainard Lake AreaFront- Joanie, Frieda & Char; Back-Pam

Interest Groups Information
Bicycling – Meets weekly on Thursdays from May through October. Chairs: Gail Smith 303-960-5004; Susan Lee 303-974-8969. We start with a couple of shorter rides and work up to around 20+ miles each ride. We have a couple of levels of riders, but faster riders will wait until all riders catch up. Electric bikes are welcome.
Bicycling – Easy Riders – Meets sporadically on Tuesdays. Contact chair for details. Chair: Dorothy Coltrin 720-527-4704.
Book Group – Afternoon – Fourth Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. at members’ homes or on ZOOM. Vaccinations required. Chairs: Mary Clough 303-522-8692; Lois Linsky 303-499-2689.
Book Group – Biographies – Third Friday at 3:00 p.m., in person. Chair: Eunice Wilkinson, 303-956-9675.
Book Group – The Original Book Group – Formerly Evening – Second Thursday at 2:45 p.m. Meetings may be held outside when weather permits. Up-to-date vaccinations are required for indoor meetings, masks are optional. Chairs: Kathleen Salzberg 303-499-3128; Ellen Gille 720-836-2365. This group has been meeting continuously since the 1950s.
Bridge Group – Chair: Karen Neff 303-494-0467; also seeking beginner players to start a new Beginners’ Group.
French Conversation – All Speaking Levels – Dates and times to be determined. Chair: Zdenka Smith 303-330-2856.
French Conversation Group 1 – Every Wednesday year round at 1:30 pm. INcludes 8 sessions per semester with a paid native speaker. Limited openings. Contact chair for details. Chair: Dot Thompson, thompsondot at hotmail dot com.
Games Group – It’s Anyone’s Game – Board and card games. Second Wednesday from 1:30 – 4:00 p.m. at home of Chair in Louisville. Contact chair to join. Chair: Kathleen Newton 720-548-8661.
Garden Group – Third Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. Chairs: Jyotsna Raj 303-447-8831; Jean Rohrschneider 720-542-9788.
Golfing – For the Casual Golfer – 1:00 p.m. every Thursday at various golf courses, new members welcome. Chair: Susan Planck 303-499-3916.
Hiking and Strolling – Every Friday 9:00 a.m. September – May; 8:30 a.m. June – August. Meet at southern end of the east side of covered parking lot opposite the lower-level east entrance to the former Macy’s – Chairs: Joan (Joanie) Cardone 303-263-7823; Frieda Holley 303-499-3733.
Italian Conversation – Wednesday, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. on Zoom. Chair: Maxene Wilson 303-530-4619.
Music – Second Monday afternoon of most months in members’ homes, providing a venue for musical performers to meet and share their love of music in an intimate setting. Chairs: Judy Owens 720-562-8064; Carol Green 802-363-1868.
Needlecraft – Third Thursday in September (Thursday) at 1:30 p.m. for planning meeting. Chair: Ginnie Ross.
On the Road Again – Ooccasional in person road trips. Chair: Kathy Randall 303-746-4528.
Out to Lunch – Usually Fourth Wednesday, at noon at various local restaurants. Chairs: Jean Rohrschneider 720-542-9788; Jyotsna Raj 303-447-8831.
Readers’ Theater 2 – Third Monday 4:00 p.m. at the main Boulder Library. Chairs: Patty Ludke 303-817-1020; Kathy Randall 303-746-4528.
Spanish Conversation Advanced – Contact chair for details. Chair: Diana King 303-530-1860.
Sunday Afternoon at the Movies – Usually second Sunday, to see movies at a theater in Boulder or nearby theater. Chairs: Sharon Nehls 303-494-5778; Carmen Caver 803-606-5619.
Groups that are on hiatus
- Theater Goers, New Chair needed. Contact Linda Nordberg, Interest Group Coordinator if interested 978-314-9987.
Groups that are at capacity
- Book Group – The Bookies – Kathy Randall 303-746-4528.
- Book Group Small – Fiction and Non-Fiction, Joyce Bograd.
- Book Group – Second Monday, Janet Evans.
- Book Group – Mysteries, Betty Barnes.
- Bridge Group Intermediate leval – First Wednesday Chair: Karen Neff.
To start a new interest group requires at least five members including a chairperson.
If you are interested in starting a new group please contact the Interest Group Coordinator for more information: Linda Nordberg Interest Group Coordinator, 978-314-9987.
To form a new book group, contact Kathy Randall, 303-746-4528.
President – Andie Kutinsky
President Elect – Anne Hudson
Past President – Norma Portnoy
Secretary – Kathleen Salzberg
Secretary Elect – Sharon Nehls
Treasurer & Treasurer Elect – Frieda Holley
Board Members
Acknowledgments Co-Chairs
For Tax Purposes – Merry Bullock (all donations); Frieda Holley (large donations)
For Personal Notes – Sharon Nehls
Advisory/Parliamentarian – Frieda Holley
Archives Chair – Karen Neff
Email/Communications – Berry Todd
Honors Reception – tba
Interest Groups Chair – Linda Nordberg
Margaret Willard Award Chair – Andie Kutinsky
Membership Chair – Merry Bullock
Membership Coffee – Lynne Barnett
Compilation of Conent – Tam Van Spriell
Copy Edit Review – Kathleen Salzberg
Technical Wizardry – Merry Bullock
New Members Chair – Anne Hudson
Nominating Committee – Andie Kutinsky, Anne Hudson, Janet Brewer
Opera Brunch – Sandy Johnson
Photography – Anne Hudson
Chair – Sharon Nehls
UMC Liaison – Tam Van Spriell
Registration – Lynne Barnett
Scholarship Committee Chair – Marge Riddle
Scholarship Luncheon – Jonette Lucia
Website – Joyce Spencer
Zoom Master – Merry Bullock, Lynne Barnett
Non-Board Positions
Document Repository – Frieda Holley
Zoom Scheduler – Kathy Randall
UWC Calendar 2023-2024
FRIDAY, 6 October 2023 – Lecture Luncheon #1: Jane Gruber, PhD – Discovering the Science of Happiness – University Memorial Center (UMC), Aspen Room
SUNDAY, 29 October 2023 – New Member Wine and Cheese
TUESDAY, 7 November 2023 – Lecture Luncheon #2: Devin Patrick Hughes – The Conductor’s Relationship with the Music, Orchestra, and Audience –University Memorial Center (UMC), Rm 235, 10:30 a.m.
TUESDAY, 14 November, 10:30 a.m. on ZOOM – Webinar: Choices and Guidelines for Aging and End of Life
Happy Holidays!
January, 2024
TUESDAY, 9 January 2024 – Lecture Luncheon #3: Prof. Casey Fiesler –Issues with Artificial Intelligence (AI) – University Memorial Center (UMC), Rm 235
TUESDAY, 13 February 2024 – Lecture Luncheon #4: Gerry Hudson, PhD – The Russian-Ukraine War: Two Years Later – University Memorial Center (UMC), Rm 235
SUNDAY, 17 March 2024 – Opera Brunch – The Titanic
TUESDAY, 19 March 2024 – Lecture Luncheon #5 – Rebecca Cox, PhD – Sleep, Insomnia, and Aging – University Memorial Center (UMC), Rm 235
TUESDAY 16 April 2024 – Scholarship Luncheon – Boulder Country Club
TUESDAY, 21 May 2024 – Honors Reception – University Memorial Center (UMC) South Terrace Tent